Arushi Bharti
class X-B
Life of a woman in India is like a red traffic light! Not turning into the orange one, as in process, nor can we say will ever change into the green one! It has just STOPPED! And this is because of the demons the evils hiding somewhere next to us in our society. Every next second, is a news of a girl raped, even a 3 years old girl who wouldn’t even remember what happened to her at that age. But why is this happening ??? Because we are letting this happen to us! But why are we letting this happen to us?? Because of the missing Y Chromosome ? NO! We are letting this happen to us because we are scared of the minds of the other 10 people who we barely know! Parents ask us to forget what happened because they think its a big mark of shame on their faces! They don’t want us to earn…..even if we earn the husband is an alcoholic an abuse! They think a baby girl is a burden but a boy is divine, can do anything. But they forget, a boy cannot give birth but a woman can. The grand father, the father, the young man who just got married, is in this world because of a woman!
It’s high time to act like a tendril of a plant!
We need to get the lion out of us…..not just a butterfly!