Samridhi Srivastava
Class 9-C, Study Hall School
In India discriminatory attitude towards women have existed for generations and this has affected women in their lives. Although the constitution of India has granted women equal rights but gender, disparities remain. There are limited opportunities to women as they decide the future of India. Women are disadvantaged for work and are often underestimated for capabilities. This has prevented Indian women from achieving a higher standard of living. The cultural constitution of Indian society, which reinforces a bias against women, has led to the constitution of India’s strong preference among male children. Female infanticide, a sex selective abortion, is adopted and strongly reflects the low status of Indian women. Census 2011 shows decline of girl population under the age of seven, with activists estimating that eight million fetuses may have become aborted in the past decade. The 2005 human index survey shows that infant mortality figures for females and males are 61 and 56 out 1000 live births with females more likely to be aborted than males due to biased attitudes.