Against humanity


Neha Srivastava
Class IX-C, Study Hall

‘Against humanity’- that’s what comes into my mind when I think of ‘Delhi GANG RAPE …….’ The abhorrent incident seems to have shaken the roots of the nation this incident has seemed to spread grief throughout the nation like a fire . People came out of their comfort zones and resented such careless actions and policies of government realizing that this is the need of hour .

The system talks that violence against women will not be tolerated but such statements and discussions seems to be worthless and unimplemented . This incident has left us all abashed that we are a citizen of a nation where girls are not safe from the day they are born . I, as a student , as a human, as a citizen of a  country and as a female oppose each and every crime against women. Women have to be respected and the crime has to be ended .

I wish this campaign will gain success and I am proud that my school has emphasized on this problem which exists in the society.

This incident has led to fear in the minds of female individuals .The apprehension will remain in the society , either its going to suck the souls of females or it will lead to complete intolerance.

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