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It is noteworthy to mention that while these stories are a great example of the good work that the GyanSetu team is doing they are also very helpful in establishing GyanSetu as ‘centers of community transformation’. People, especially women, have now started looking at GyanSetu center as a place where the voices of the oppressed will be heard.

Six-year-old’s rapist put behind bars

Nabipanah: This was one of the toughest cases our counsellors handled this year. It was reported to us that a six-year-old fatherless girl was raped by one of her relatives. Our counsellors started the proceeding with the police with nab the culprit but half way through the mother of the victim backed out under family pressure. Our counselors and our GyanSetu teams members went into overdrive to convince the mother to press charges. After a week of persuasion the mother finally agreed and now the culprit has been put behind bars.

Girl rescued from a bad marriage

Nimdi: A case of alcoholism and domestic violence after marriage was reported by our center incharge in Nimdi. Our counsellors took cognisance of the situation and with the help of locals and police the girl returned to her parents house and a plea for divorce has also been filed.

Helping a women get divorce

Chandan: A girl from a particular religious community was seeking divorce but her husband refused. Ms Zeenat, our center incharge reported the case to our counsellor who sought help from the the religious leaders of that community. After a few rounds of meeting and counselling the man finally divorced the women.

Neelam gets govt aid to continue school education

Nabipanah: Neelam, a student of Nabipanah center, reported that her family was in a financial crisis and her parents had refused to pay her school fee. Our center incharge, Priyanshi escalated this issue to our Gyansetu counsellor who got in touch with government authorities and finally the Social Welfare Department agreed to pay the school fees of the girl. Neelam is now happily continuing her studies.

Bringing a family back together

Lonapur: With the help of Shobha, the center incharge, a lady at Lonapur reported a case of extramarital affair against her husband. The man had left his wife and was living with another woman. Our Gyansetu counsellor with the help of the police called the man to talk about the issue and convinced him to return to his family.