Convocation Ceremony held at Malihabad’s Vidyasthali School

Study Hall Educational Foundation’s Vidyasthali School in Malihabad organized the Convocation Ceremony on Thursday, October 26, 2017. Chandroo Kevalramani of the Kevalramani Foundation was the chief guest on the occasion. The principal of the school Anusha Sharma proposed the welcome address said that it was a matter of great pride for all the teachers and parents to see the students graduating and scoring marks above 85%.

The founder of the school Dr. Urvashi Sahni thanked Chandroo Kevalramani for his continued support to the Vidyasthali School and further talked about how quality education creates democratic equal citizens.

Several cultural performances were also held on the occasion. Song renditions, salsa dance and classical dance were some of the highlights of the show. Parents of Vidyasthali students also took the stage and thanked the teachers and administrative staff for creating and nurturing a school which provides high quality subsidized education to children 55 villages spread across the Malihabad area.

The highlight of the event was when Chandroo Kevalramani also dedicated the newly constructed building to the Vidyasthali School. This building could only be erected due to the untrammeled support of Mr Kevalramani.

Vidyasthali Convocation 2017

Study Hall Educational Foundation wins Social Entrepreneur of the year 2017 award

The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, a sister organization of the World Economic Forum, in partnership with the Jubilant Bhartia Foundation announced Urvashi Sahni founder of Study Hall Educational Foundation (SHEF) as the winner of the Social Entrepreneur of the Year India 2017 Award.

The Award was conferred by Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, Minister of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India in the presence of over 300 participants at a high-profile gathering in New Delhi today night.

Urvashi Sahni was awarded for contribution in the field of education that includes, empowers and builds leaders among disadvantaged girls. Aided by technology, policy push and partnerships with the Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh Govt., SHEF has scaled its model of education to 900 Govt. schools. It has trained 5000 teachers and impacted 1,50,000 girls directly and 2,70,000 girls indirectly in the hotbeds of poverty and gender discrimination.

India Economic Summit: Social Entrepreneur Panel
Urvashi Sahni declared winner of Social Entrepreneur of the Year India 2017 Award
  Urvashi Sahni joint finalist for SEOY India 2017 award
 Urvashi Sahni wins social entrepreneur award
 ICT in Education
Urvashi Sahni, founder of SHEF, wins social entrepreneur award
Urvashi Sahni wins Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 Award
Lucknow’s Urvashi Sahni wins social entrepreneur award for her contribution to education
Union Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu presents the Social Entrepreneur of the Year India 2017 Award

Union Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, presenting the Social Entrepreneur of the Year India 2017 Award

Convocation of Prerna Girls

रीता बहुगुणा जोशी ने किया  प्रेरणा गर्ल्स स्कूल की छात्राओं किया उत्साहवर्धन 
प्रेरणा गर्ल्स स्कूल के दीक्षान्त समारोह में मुख्य अतिथि की तरह उपस्थित रही. इस समारोह के दौरान प्रेरणा की छात्राओं को कक्षा 10 और कक्षा 12 की पढाई पूरी करने के लिए सर्टिफिकेट प्रदान किये गये
कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत प्रेरणा गर्ल्स स्कूल की संस्थापिका डॉ उर्वशी साहनी ने स्कूल के बारे में बता कर के की. इसके बाद स्कूल की छात्राओं ने गायन कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किया (गाना- झूम झूम मृदु गरज गरज ) इसके बाद खेल तथा गायन के क्षेत्र में उलेखिनी कार्य करने वाले छात्राओं के  बारे में बताया गया | प्रेरणा की छात्रा रही ज्योति पाल, खुशबू रावत तथा शीला ने अपने अनुभव को सब के साथ साझा किया
कार्यक्रम का अंत राष्ट्रीय गान से हुआ
प्रेरणा की छात्राओं को मिली स्कालरशिप
ग्रेजुएशन पूरा करने के बाद आगे की पढाई के लिए 20,000/- रूपये की स्वर्गीय राजेंद्र मोहनी सत्यपाल मल्होत्रा स्कालरशिप  पाने वाली लड़कियां — रुबैदा, दिव्या, शीला, आरती, मालती और  प्रीती.
कक्षा  12 की पढाई पूरी करने के बाद आगे की पढाई के लिए 5000 रुपैये की स्वर्गीय सुंदरी देवी कपूर स्कालरशिप पाने वाली लड़कियों के नाम — ज्योती पाल, सुषमा पाल और खुशबू गौर.

Jashn-e-Bachpan celebrates the spirit of childhood

Study Hall Junior School organized JASHN-e-BACHPAN, a two day extravaganza in which the students of many prominent schools of the city took part very enthusiastically. As the name suggests, the highlights of the festival was the celebration of childhood. in order to make it to fun filled event, a plethora of interesting

activities awaited the young participants. some of these were Verse-e-style (Poem Enactment). Turn-O-Turn (Relay of Language Skills). Math “Pi“rets(Treasure Hunt), Burst of chlorophyll(Foliage Decoration) and Kaleidoscope  (Designing of Selfie Frame)
It was truly delightful to see the young minds at work, showcasing their talents.

Special children perform at Jash e Bachpan

As part of our ongoing programme of integration Dosti /Study Hall School junior section organized a two day inter school fest of various cultural and fine arts activities. Group dancing, singing, fancy dress with a message on Swatch Bharat, puzzle making, drawing/colouring and plasticine modeling were the activities. Five local special schools participated along with the students of  Dosti. The participating schools were:

  • Navdeep Vishith School
  • Asha Awwa
  • Asha Jyoti
  • Pyssum
  • Bal Bharti

Every child who participated was awarded a certificate of participation. The winners were awarded medals. The children had a gala time and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

Ananya Chopra Class- II – Kahein Kahani (Story Telling)

Special children hog the limelight in theatre festival-Natyotsav

Special children from Study Hall School’s DOSTI section performed a rib tickling play ‘Prayaschit’.  Speaking during the inaugural ceremony president and CEO of the Study Hall Education Foundation said that theatre plays a very important part in a child’s development. This was followed by a  play Mai Savitri Bai Phule by Prerna Girls and Boys School was staged.
The last and final presentation of the first day of the two-day event was court martial performed by Study Hall School’s children. On Saturday the highlight will be the play being performed by the children of rural school – Vidyasthali School. The plays were staged at the Valmiki Rangshala at Sangeet Natak Academy.
The highlight of the second and final day of Natyotsav was the play – Sita Apaharan Case –  staged by the children of Vidyasthali School from Malihabad. The second event of the day was a dance by the children of Study Hall School’s Centre for Learning titled Wajood ki Talaash. Varsha Geet by the Prerna Girls School students and other performances by Study Hall School also marked the day.
The inaugural address was given by Dr. Urvashi Sahni while eminent theatre personality Raj Besaria was the chief guest. Speaking during her inaugural address    Dr. Sahni said that theatre makes us realise the troubles others go through. It makes us empathise.

Study Hall center for learning class XII result 2017

Study Hall center for learning class XII result 2017 is 100%. Total 21 students appeared in class XII examination and all of them got pass with distinction marks.

School Average : 79%
Min. Percentage : 68%
Highest Percentage : 90%

Subject wise statistics
Average% Highest%
English – 72 91
DE – 91 98 – 78 84
Painting – 90 98
Economics – 69 86
Business studies – 56 71
Accounts – 56 85
Sociology – 52 58
Home Science – 73 85
Law – 63 78
Pol. Science – 52 58

Study Hall School students once again prove how strong they are in Humanities

Study Hall School students once again shone in the CBSE class 12 results. Abhilaksh Verma (humanities) topped the school rankings with 96.2% while Ruma Agarwal with 95.2 marks stood second. Katyayani Raghuvanshi (humanities) and Satvik Rastogi (commerce) with 95.2% marks stood a joint third.The school’s average percentage stood at 82.2%
Abhilaksh Verma (96.2) Ruma Agarwal (95.4) Katyayani Raghuvanshi95. 2 Satvik Rastogi 95. 2


India’s Daughters Campaign enters the ‘Mango Belt’

Taking India’s Daughters Campaign 2017 to the rural areas of Lucknow, the Study Hall Educational Foundation’s Vidyashali School in Mahilabad organized an Awareness March against child marriage on May 17, 2017. The students of Vidyasthali participated in the march which started from the school and covered thoroughfare areas neighboring village Saliamau.

A street play – Bal Vivah Ghulami Hai – against child marriage was also staged at four different locations during the match.

Over 200 community members signed the petition against child marriage as part of the signature campaign.

This awareness march was preceded by a series of critical dialogues with the Vidyasthali students to build a deeper understanding of the detrimental social norms and to question malpractices like child marriage. Post these discussion children prepared placards and banners to take out in the community and also drafted the script for the street play which was staged during the march.

The procession made stops at local mosques and temples collected signatures of Faith Leaders on a pledge against child marriage.