Indian’s Daughter Campaign 2018: Unwanted, Unequal and Unsafe

प्रेरणा बालक/बालिका विद्यालय, स्टडी हाॅल स्कूल, व सेन्टर फाॅर लर्निंग के 400 विद्यार्थियों द्वारा, भारत की बेटियांः अनचाही, असमान और असुरक्षित विषय पर जागरूक्ता रैली निकाली, रैली स्टडी हाल स्कूल से निकल कर पटेलपुरम, मलेशा मऊ, खरगापुर, से होते हुए मकदूमपुर, गोमतीनगर पर समाप्त की गई। जिसमें लगभग 4000 लोगों तक बाल विवाह, छेड़छाड़ और लड़कियों के खिलाफ हो रही हिंसा को रोकने के लिए संदेश पहुंचाया गया। विद्यार्थियों ने नुकड नाटक किया, नारे लगाये व बाल विवाह कानून के बारे में लोगों को बता कर समुदाय के लोगों को जागरूक किया और उन्हे शपथ दिलाया कि वो अपने बच्चों का विवाह सही समय पर और उनकी इच्छा के अनुसार करेंगे और बच्चों की पढ़ाई में कोई बाधा नही आने देंगे।

स्टडी हाॅल ऐजुकेशनल फाउन्डेशन द्वारा पिछले 6 वर्षों से इन्डियाज़ डाटर कैम्पेन नाम से लड़कियों और औरतों के खिलाफ हो रही हिंसा के विरूद्व जागरूक्ता अभियान चालाया जा रहा है। प्रत्येक वर्ष की तरह इस वर्ष भी इन्डियाज़ डाटर कैम्पेन के अन्र्तगत भारत की बेटीयां, अनचाही, समानय, असुरक्षित मुद्दे पर पूरे उत्तर प्रदेश में जागरूक्ता अभियान चलाया जा रहा है। आज दिनांक 28/04/2018 को लखनऊ के चार क्षेत्रों में पटेलपुरम, मलेशा मऊ, खरगापुर, और मकदूमपुर, में जागरूक्ता रैली निकाली गई, जिसमें प्रेरणा बालक/बालिका विद्यालय, स्टडी हाॅल स्कूल, व सेन्टर फाॅर लर्निंग के 400 विद्यार्थियों ने प्रतिभाग किया। जिसमें विद्यार्थियों ने नाटक के द्वारा लोगों को जागरूक करने का प्रयास किया, नाटक देखने के बाद समुदाय की कई महिलाओं ने कहा कि उनका विवाह 14, 15 वर्ष की उम्र में ही हो गया था लेकिन अब वो अपनी बेटियों के साथ ऐसा नही होने देंगी। मकदूमपुर से असलम जी ने कहा कि लड़कियों के साथ हो रही हिंसा को रोकने के लिए पूरे समाज को साथ आना होगा, मेरी बहन का बाल विवाह हुआ था लेकिन अब मैं अपनी बच्चियों का बाल विवाह नही होने दूंगा। कुछ पुरूषों ने कहा कि समाज में लड़कियां सुरक्षित नही हैं इस लिए माॅ बाप उनकी शादी जल्दी कर देते हैं ताकि लड़की अपने घर की हो जाये। बच्चियों ने समुदाय को बाल विवाह कानून के बारे में बताते हुए समाज़ को लड़कियों के प्रति संवदेनशील होने व लड़कियों को भी एक नागरिक के रूप में स्वीकार करने की अपील की, साथ ही यह भी कहा कि बच्चियों का बाल विवाह करने या सुरक्षा के ड़र से पढ़ाई छुडा कर घर में बिठाने के बजाये लड़कों को शिक्षित व जागरूक करें ताकि लड़कियां अपनी जिन्दगी को खुल कर जी सकें।

SHEF -Nursery and Primary Teacher Training Programme Convocation

‘Don’t think of teaching as a part-time profession’

Lucknow: The third convocation ceremony of the Nursery and Primary Teacher’s Training (NPTT) Programme of the Study Hall Educational Foundation was held at the Study Hall Prep School here on Thursday. The event started with a welcome speech by the director of the training program Priya Kakkar said that it has been a very enlightening journey for journey for her and the trainees.Dr. Urvashi Sahni, the founder and CEO of the Study Hall Educational Foundation said, “The graduating teachers should continue to learn to sustain good teaching practices. Don’t think of teaching as a part-time profession. It shapes leaders as most of the personality is shaped by the age of 7”.A total of 13 teachers graduated on the occasion out of three have already got jobs in reputed schools of the city. Glimpses of the training program were shared with the guests. Shashi Prabha Acharya the principal of Study Hall Prep School said that the toolbox of the trained teachers is ready and now they should go out and express themselves.Those who have got placements already include Archana Verma, Fatima and Parveen. The graduating trainees also shared their experience and said that teaching and learning have to keep happening simultaneously. “The last year has been one of the most memorable years of my life. It’s almost like a new beginning and I very happy and sad at the same time to be graduating from NPTT. I would like to thank all my teachers for their guidance”, said one of the graduating trainees.

Write4Change: UC Berkeley scholars study Prerna, Study Hall School

Prof. Glynda A. Hull from the University of California, Berkeley along with her team comprising John Scott, Jessica Adams, Devanshi Unadkat and Dhruv visited Study Hall Educational Foundation in connection with the ‘Write4Change: Online Global Writing Community for Youth Online’ research project which aims to learn about how educators and students create and participate in online writing communities and write for social change. The project also aims to know how visualizing data could help students think about their writing and themselves as writers in new ways.

The participants from Study Hall and Prerna schools were put into 4 groups and they were given access to 360 Virtual Reality camera equipment. The students were acclimatized to the use of the new technology. They confabulated about the social issues or themes to weave their stories around. Thereafter they captured the cityscape with their lens along with their escort teachers. Then they thought about the music, subtitles, narration and special effects to complement their visuals. The resultant videos were about the life of the underprivileged girls in Prerna school, the sights and sounds from the culture, history and cuisine of Lucknow, Women Empowerment and the Socio-cultural diversity of India.

The team from Berkeley was quite impressed with the final outcome and lauded their efforts. They congratulated them for their proactive participation and involvement in all stages of film-making. It was teamwork all through and the efforts shone in every aspect of the videos.

It was a mutually enriching interaction and the students of SHEF in particular Study Hall and Prerna learnt how to use the new technique and compared it with the existing 180-camera technology used currently by them. The use of multi-modal approach was a unique experience.

We hope that this ongoing project would provide access to new technology and an interface with global student communities to share, learn and grow together.

Write4Change: Online Global Writing Community for Youth Online

Study Hall Educational Foundation wins Social Entrepreneur of the year 2017 award

The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, a sister organization of the World Economic Forum, in partnership with the Jubilant Bhartia Foundation announced Urvashi Sahni founder of Study Hall Educational Foundation (SHEF) as the winner of the Social Entrepreneur of the Year India 2017 Award.

The Award was conferred by Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, Minister of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India in the presence of over 300 participants at a high-profile gathering in New Delhi today night.

Urvashi Sahni was awarded for contribution in the field of education that includes, empowers and builds leaders among disadvantaged girls. Aided by technology, policy push and partnerships with the Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh Govt., SHEF has scaled its model of education to 900 Govt. schools. It has trained 5000 teachers and impacted 1,50,000 girls directly and 2,70,000 girls indirectly in the hotbeds of poverty and gender discrimination.

India Economic Summit: Social Entrepreneur Panel
Urvashi Sahni declared winner of Social Entrepreneur of the Year India 2017 Award
  Urvashi Sahni joint finalist for SEOY India 2017 award
 Urvashi Sahni wins social entrepreneur award
 ICT in Education
Urvashi Sahni, founder of SHEF, wins social entrepreneur award
Urvashi Sahni wins Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 Award
Lucknow’s Urvashi Sahni wins social entrepreneur award for her contribution to education
Union Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu presents the Social Entrepreneur of the Year India 2017 Award

Union Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, presenting the Social Entrepreneur of the Year India 2017 Award