Half the Sky

Tannistha Datta
Parent, Study Hall School

“Nobody minds having what is too good for them.” This line by Jane Austen, got me thinking. What is too good? If I am a 16 year old girl in a village in western UP where a Khap Panchayat decides what is good for me, do I still not mind having it? Or I am a girl in Guwahati in Assam and some random man on the street thinks he knows whats good for me, do I still want it? Or I am an unborn female foetus and my parents think its best if I did not come into the world, is that what is good for me?


Members of the National Commission of Women think it appropriate to comment on how girls and women should dress to protect themselves. Its for their own good they say. The police feel that women in Gurgaon should not venture out of their houses after 8 pm. Its for our good it seems. The High Court says that a muslim girl who has attained puberty can be married. Its for her good they claim.

Why is everyone else helping us decide what is good for us suddenly?

We are living in the generation of the internet, social networking, smart phones, tablets, space tourism- even the God Particle is not a myth anymore! India is no far behind in all this growth. We had a woman as the mission leader of the testing of a new missile, we had a woman president (despite her legacy), the first few countries of the world to have a woman leader of the state years back, women CEOs, film makers, teachers, academicians, authors that won Bookers and Pulitzers, Chief Ministers…. the list is endless! And yet we have not evolved enough to understand what is good for us- if you believe the Khaps, the mob molestors, the NCW, the police and the countless others that everyday sit and decide on our ‘good’.

I am reading the news today and its full of the story of Rajesh Khanna’s funeral. The whole nation watches as despite having two lovely, accomplished, in our eyes empowered daughters, it is his son-in-law who does the last rites. The girls are not good enough? Years back in my small back of the beyond town where I grew up and was looked upon with disdain when I landed in the University of Delhi, my friend had the courage to insist on doing the last rites for her father. It left an impact on me. And despite my ‘small town’ upbringing, I knew that day that norms could be challenged and could be made better. And yet I see a family with all its wealth, power and influence letting the whole world know that their women are no good.

I am a woman. I laugh, cry, work, sing, dance, drink, love, hate, want, desire, desist – I live. I know what is good for me. I know what is ‘too good’ for me. And I am teaching my daughter to know what is ‘too good’ for her and to want without any regrets or any doubts. I am teaching her how to reach out for her half of the sky. Join me if you think you can make a difference to even the life of one girl or woman in your life.

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You are not weak


Bharti Bhatia
Teacher, Prerna Girls School

Early January,  more than a week after a 23 year old woman, brutally gang raped in a moving bus, died in a Singapore hospital. We are living in deeply troubling times. The Republic of Ideas , Dreams , Imaginations has been replaced by the Republic of Hate and Nightmares.

This is a fight for our Freedom. Freedom of Expressions.

Expressions of Thoughts , Expression of Views , Expression of Anger  and  the power to force a change of all that is wrong or unjustified in our complex society. As guaranteed by our constitution. Lathis can stop crowds but not thoughts .Dissent is our birth right and we should have it.

So, Dear girls believe in your self. You are not WEAK or ABLA as foolishly portrayed. Be strong, learn self defense. Don’t wait for government to provide you ‘secured environment ‘to live in. Make yourself strong enough to secure the environment whenever needed!

A Daughter is

A joy bringer

A heart warmer

A memory maker

A Daughter is LOVE.

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डॉ प्रतिमा श्रीवास्तव

16 दिसम्बर 2012 को काली रात समाज में जाग्रति कि चिंगारी को हवा दे कर भड़का गया अफसोस दामिनी को उसके लिए शहीद होना पड़ा। पर शहादत काम आई। लोग सडको पर निकल आये मोमबत्ती जलायीं।प्रिंट मीडिया भड़का।टी . वी . पर जोरदार बहस हुयी।सोशल नेटवर्किंग साईस उबल पड़ी।इसी की जरूरत भी थी।पर असल में क्या हुआ? हमने विचार सुझाव दिए।नीतियों की दुहाई दी।पशासन को दोषी माना।धर्म पर प्रहार किए समाज पर लांचन लगाये।संस्कारों की आड़ ली।निष्कर्ष निकाला कि जरूरी है व्यवस्था को बदलना।संस्कारों का प्रन्रमुल्यांकन करना।पाठ्यक्रम में बदलाव लाना।न्याय प्रडाली को दुरुस्त करना और नहीं हो चतुराई से हम बाख निकले।भूल गए की मृगकस्तूरी तो हमारे पास है।उसके लिए कही भटकने की जरूरत नहीं है।माता -पिता, प्रशासक अध्यापक , धर्मगुरु इन सब के साथ साथ इन्सान होने के नाते हमे भी कुव्ह करना है।

व्यवस्था में हम ही होते हैं।समाज हम ही से बना है।हमारा ही मानसिक बदलाव होना है।हमारा ही मानसिक बदलाव होना है।मोमबत्तियाँ तो जलायें हम लेकिन अपने अपने दिल और दिमाक में।शपथ लें हम सब कि ऐसा फिर न होगा।अब न होगा।कभी न होगा।खी न होगा।

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All Indians are my brothers and sisters

Gaurie Singh
Class 6-A, Study Hall School

A country which was managed by a woman president should have been the safest place for women, not only a woman president and women chief ministers of states like Sheila Dixit of Delhi ; Mamta Banerjee of West Bengal etc. On the contrary, I was startled to know that it has had many murders, rape cases, crimes etc. Now, people are saying that India is the fourth most dangerous country for women in the whole world and that is just because of these debauched people. In turn this will decrease the reputation of our nation and soon we will also get an ignominious title like Africa has ‘RAPE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD‘. All this is due to lack of education. We can’t just kill anyone for fun , it is written in our pledge’s 2nd line as well that – ‘ India is our country, All Indians are my brothers and sisters…..’ Do you kill your brothers and sisters? So if all Indians are your brothers and sisters then why kill someone or commit a crime.


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Change ,before its too late


Class 7-D, Study Hall School

Change ,before its too late

UnwantedUnsafe, Unequal, people say,
How could they? No way!

I’m confused!
Then why are they so used?

Mother, SisterDaughterWife
Without them, incomplete is our life.

Husbands say “My wife is dumb”.
Then why does she makes a heaven from his slum?

Fathers tellgirls “no toys”.
Then why choices to boys?

But, times will change.
When people‘s opinions will have a higher range.

Husbands will say My wife is my boss“.
Fathers will say “Having a daughter is no more a loss”.

But, will they still be Safe, Cared and Wanted?
Will their lives no more be haunted?

CHANGE yourself before its too late,
‘Cause they are the ones who’ll decide your fate.


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Ananya Nagar
Study Hall Alumni
Batch of 2007


वो फटे दुप्पटे से
वो फटे दुप्पटे से
अपनी छाती छिपाए
कभी पूरी कभी आधी छिपाए
इधर उधर भागे
भूखे कुत्ते से सब उसको ताके
कोई चेहरे पे मारे हाथ
कोई करता उसके स्तनों पे वार
बिखरे बाल
बिगड़ा हाल
चार टूटी चूड़िया
सिन्दूर की बेतरतीब लकीरें
हाथों से वो आँखों के आंसू पोंछे
भूखे भेड़िये उसे पल पल नोचे
हर आहट पे वो अब भी घबराये
जो भी आँचल पाए छिप जाए
फटे दुप्पटे से ही वो खुद को ढाके
फिर भी अब तक उसकी रूह काँपे
चेहरे पे नाखून
चेहरे पे नाखून
उससे बहता खून
उसकी कहानी बतलाये
कौन है वो
कौन है वो
क्यों वो लजाये

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Protection of women

Ishita Singh
VIII- A, Study Hall School

I’m proud to be a student of Study Hall because it is taking a step against women being unsafe in India. Indian daughters are really unsafe, unwanted and unequal, we could say that after the Delhi gang rape case. The main reason for this is the Indians not getting educated. Even today women are being harassed mentally and physically. When a girl child is born, she is killed. In some places women still have to follow the purdah system. But after the Delhi rape case, the youth got on the streets for protesting and that even brought a slight change in the system. Those 6 men should get punished in such a way that generations won’t forget that punishment. That is a need for the Indian society for the protection of women…..

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Gender Discrimination

Samridhi Srivastava
Class 9-C, Study Hall School

In India discriminatory attitude towards women have existed for generations and this has affected women in their lives. Although the constitution of India has granted women equal rights but gender, disparities remain. There are limited opportunities to women as they decide the future of India. Women are disadvantaged for work and are often underestimated for capabilities. This has prevented Indian women from achieving a higher standard of living. The cultural constitution of Indian society, which reinforces a bias against women, has led to the constitution of India’s strong preference among male children. Female infanticide, a sex selective abortion, is adopted and strongly reflects the low status of Indian women. Census 2011 shows decline of girl population under the age of seven, with activists estimating that eight million fetuses may have become aborted in the past decade. The 2005 human index survey shows that infant mortality figures for females and males are 61 and 56 out 1000 live births with females more likely to be aborted than males due to biased attitudes.

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कौन हूँ मैं ?


Gurpreet Kaur
Teacher, Prerna Girls School

उममीद जिंदगी  की

खुशियों का हसीन पल हूँ मैं

चार दीवारों को बनाती हूँ

मैं ‘घर ‘

एक ‘बहन ‘

एक ‘माँ ‘

एक ‘बेटी’

एक ‘पत्नी ‘ हूँ मैं

जंगे आज़ादी की लड़ाई में लड़ी जो वो –

“झासी की रानी हूँ मैं ”

चाँद तक जिसने भरी उडान वो –

“कल्पना चावला हूँ मैं ”

पर …………………

आज तो मेरे पैदा होने पर भी लगाई जा रही है

“रोक ”

कहाँ है बाबा नानक जिन्होंने कहा था –

“सो क्यों मंदा आखिये जित जम्मे राजान ”

मुझे जन्म लेने का एक मौका तो दो

आपके सिर का ताज बनूँगी “मैं”

समझो ना मुझे कुल पर दाग

बेटो की तरह घर का रौशन चिराग बनूंगी “मैं”


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It is so sad

Noor Wahid

First we were proud Indians but now our heads are bent down in shame.

We feel like a broken mirror—-shattered some men are like predators, who think women are objects to play with and indulge in these heinous crimes but punishments do they deserve? Yes they do in our opinion these animals should be punished in front of public. The government is taking it as a joke no effective measure taken so far it is indeed so sad.


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