Our Nation-Endangered!

Uddhav M. Pratap
Class 7-C, Study Hall School

The beloved daughters of our country. Who would think that their lives would take such a sudden turn. The environment-full of unpleasant situations for the women and girls, everywhere in the newspaper-rapes, murders and crimes against girls and women.If we reminisce the past, in the Vedic age women were given a lot more respect than anyone else. Yet recently the government has taken a step to stop violence against women and girls.

In today’s times some unpleasant situations against girls and women are that like if someone wants a boy child but a girl child is born so they kill the girl child, known as ‘ female infanticide ‘. Some criminals of the World Criminal Organization in India who have a perverted mind, hijack the girls who are abandoned and then sell them off for slavery, marriage etc. The movie ‘Ghajini’ was also based on this issue.Sometimes boys have
thrown acids on girls just for fun, means there is eve-teasing all around us too. The main reason for all this is lack of education. All this will affect the reputation of our country, so we must take step towards this sort of crime and make our country a better and a safer place for girls as well as women. JAI HIND!!!
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हमारे देश में

रजनी रावत
कक्षा आठ, कस्तूरबा गाँधी आवासीय विघायल मलियाबाद लखनऊ

मैं तो यह जानती हूँ  कि यह अपराध जो दिल्ली में उस लड़की के  साथ हुआ वह पूरे देश में फैला हुआ है । इसके लिए सभी लड़कियों को यह आवाज उठानी चाहिए कि जो भी व्यक्ति इस प्रकार के घृणित कार्य करते है उन्हें फाँसी होनी चाहिए , लेकिन हमें यह भी याद रखना चाहिए की किसी भी स्थिति में जो भी व्यक्ति  इस व्यक्ति इस तरह का अपराध करता है उसे निशिचत तौर से फाँसी होनी चाहिए , मेरा तो यही मानना है कि यदि ऐसा नहीं होगा तो यह निशिचत है कि ऐसी  घटनाएँ आगे भी बढती जाएगी और हमारे देश में लड़कियां सुरक्षित नहीं रह पायेंगी । लेकिन यह शर्मनाक घटना तब और भी शर्मनाक बन जाती है जब हमारा कानून व न्यायालय लम्बी अवधि तक कानूनी दाव पेंचो, सबूतों और सुनवाई में लगा रहता है तब उनकी कार्य प्रणाली पर संदेह होता है कि उनका मकसद इस अपराध की सजा तय करना है या सबूतों की माप- तौल करना ।

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महिला उत्पीड़न, एक अहसनीय पीड़ा

Nisha Rana
District Institute of Educational Training, Baghpat

“मानव एक अध्यात्मिक एवँ सामाजिक प्राणी है जो जगत के साथ एकत्व पराप्त करता है और मानवता की उन्नति की और अपना योगदान देता है।”
लेकिन 16 दिसम्बर,2012को 23 वर्षीय लड़की के साथ चलती हुई बस में बड़ी बर्बरता के साथ उस लड़की के साथ जो गेंग्रपे हुआ,उससे प्रतीत होता है कि जहाँ भारत को एक संस्कारशील देश मन जाता रहा है, किन्तु ऐसे देश में भी नारी जाति सुरक्षित नहीं है यब यह घटना सम्पूर्ण देश के लिए दुखद है।
इस घटना के सुनने मात्र से ही सम्पूर्ण मानव जाती हिल जाती है, लेकिन इस घटना में सम्मलित युवकों ने इस घृणित कार्य को करने से पहले तनिक भी नहीं सोचा।

16 दिसम्बर’2012 दिल्ली की घटना उस छात्र एवं उसके परिवार के लिए किसी प्रकार की मृत्यु से कम नहीं था।छात्र के उस दिन के 13 दिन तक जो सांसे ली, यह घटना हमारे द्वारा शब्दों में व्यक्त तक नहीं की जा सकती है।

29 दिसम्बर,2012 कि रात 2:15 बजे सिंगापुर के माउंट एलिज़ाबेथ अस्पताल में छात्रा ने अपना शरीर तो त्यागा, लेकिन हम सब ने सोचा है कि क्या कभी उसकी आत्मा भी इस दर्द को भुला सकेगी, मेरे विचार से कभी भी नही।

शायद एक पल के लिये भी नही भुला सकती।
कहते है कि क्षण भर का दुःख सम्पूर्ण जीवन भर की खुशियो से बड़ा होता है, उस लड़की के साथ हुई घटना से शायद यह कथन पूर्णता सही है।
जिंदगी में सदा मुस्कराते रहिए
तारो की तरह चमकते रहिए जिंदगी एक साज है इसे रहिये बजाते,
जिंदगी एक गीत है इसे गुनगुनाते रहिए।

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केशव प्रजापति
District Institute of Educational Training, Baghpat

दिल्ली गैंग रेप की घटना अत्यंत दुखद घटना है । 16 दिसम्बर की रात हैवानियत का शिकार हुई ‘दामिनी’ की इस केस ने समग्र देश को हिला दिया है । लोग इंसाफ की गुहार क्र रहे है । इस आशा में है कि शायद ! दोषियों को फाँसी हो , सख्त से सख्त सजा मिले और साथ ही मिले उस लड़की की आत्मा को शान्ति , जो शिकार हुई इस घटना का । जो शायद आज भी ना सुनाई देने वाली इइंसाफ की आवाज दे रही है । हाल फिरहाल मेरा view / views ये है कि सभी आरोपियों को आजीवन कारावास की सजा हो (इसमें 5 आरोपी शामिल है ) छठा आरोपी जिसे नाबालिक बताया जा रहा है , उसके बारे  में मेरा ये कहना है कि उसे भी सख्त से सख्त सजा हो न की उसे नाबालिक समझ कर कुछ महीनो बाद उसे रिहा कर दिया जाये ।संविधान या कानून में Amendmend  की जरूरत नही हे , जरूरत है अपराध के अनुकूल सजा के प्राविधान की और ऐसा जघन्य अपराध करने वाला नाबालिक नही हो सकता । यहाँ बात अपराध की होनी चाहिए की किस प्रकार का अपराध उसने किया है  अगर छठे आरोपी को सख्त सजा नही मिलती है तो कोर्ट को सिचन चाहिए की (छठा आरोपी) वह इतना एडल्ट है की वह रेप कर सकता है लेकिन इतना ,बालिग नही की उसे सजा दी जा सके।  छठे आरोपी को भी सख्त से सख्त सजा मिले ताकि कोर्ट के फैसले पर लोगो को गर्व हो , शांति मिले ना की ,’न्याय ‘ नामक शब्द पर प्रश्न चिन्ह लगा रहे ।
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Priya Tomar
District Institute of Educational Training, Baghpat

लड़की प्रकृति का गहना है
       लड़की हर घर की रौनक है,
           लड़की हर घर की संस्कृति है,
लड़की जब माता है,
        तो वो हर घर की रोशनी,
           और विद्या है,
लड़की जब बेटी है,
        तो वो हा घर की ख़ुशी,
           और इज्जत है।
लड़की जब बहन  है,
        तो वो हर भाई के लिए,
            एक रक्षा है।
लड़की जब पत्तनी है,
         तो वो अपने पति के लिए,
             एक शिक्षा है,
इसलिए,लड़की को हमेशा खुश रखों।
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मैं हकदार हूँ

Neeru Tomar
District Institute of Educational Training, Baghpat

समय चलते मोमबत्तियाँ ,
जलकर भुज जाएंगी
श्रद्धा में डाले पुष्प
जलहीन मुरझा जाएँगे

              स्वर विरोध के और शांति के
              अपनी प्रबलता खो देंगे
              कितु निर्भयता की जलाई अग्नि
              हमारे हृदय को प्रज्वलित करेगी


जलहीन मुरझाए पुष्पों को
हमारी अश्रु  धराए जीवित रखेगी
रूंधे कंठ से “दामिनी ” की अमानत आत्मा
विश्वभर में गूंजेगी


             स्वर मेरे तुम, दल कुचलकर
             पीस न पाओगे
             मैं भारत की माँ, बहन बेटी हूँ
             आदर और सत्कार की मैं हकदार हूँ


भारत देश हमारी माता है,
मेरी घोड़ो,अपनी मत की तो पहचान बनो।


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मैं हकदार हूँ

गुड्डी तोमर
District Institute of Educational Training, Baghpat

सामूहिक दुष्कर्म की पीडिता को लेकर जो आँखे अभी तक क्रोध से लाल थी आज उनसे आंसू बह रहे थे । होट फड़फड़ा रहे थे , मगर आवाज नही निकाल रही थी । चेहरे गमगीन थे । एक अनजाने से  रिश्ते से जुडा कोई अपना सा जो चला गया था । और हमारा ह्रदय रो रोकर कह रहा था कि निर्भय दामिनी को मौत नही हुई है हालंकि इस देश में इनसानियत की मौत नही हुई है भले ही वह नही रही लेकिन हम उसकी लड़ाई को ज़ाया नही जाने देंगे । मन में गम का बोझ लिए लोग जंतर मंतर पर उमड़ पड़े , जिसको मन की व्यथा कहने का जो तरीका समझ आया शांति से उसने वह किया । वह मासूम मर गई और दोषी जिन्दा है एक शर्मनाक और दुखद दिन ।

एक तुम्हें नही बचा सके लेकिन तुम्हारी बुलंद आवाज ने हम सभी को यह बता दिया कि बलात्कार कोई भूल या गलती नहीं है । उसकी गलती सिर्फ इतनी थी कि वह रात के समय घर से बाहर निकली । राजधानी की सड़को पर या सोचकर चली कि वह सुरक्षित है ।
स्वर मेरे तुम , दल कुचलकर पीस न पाओगें
मैं भारत की माँ , बहन या बेटी हूँ
आदर और सत्कार की मैं हकदार हूँ ।
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अबला नारी

नीतू शर्मा
District Institute of Educational Training, Baghpat

“अबला नारी तेरी यही कहानी
आँचल में ढूध और आँखों में पानी।”
“नारी , लड़की और कन्या हर किसी को दुख से गुजरना
कब , तक होगा यह अत्याचार इसका कुछ तो करो उपचार ।”
” माँ, बहन, बेटी बनकर किये सारे कर्त्तव्य पूरे
आस करती हूँ देश से, कभी तो हो मेरे भी सपने पूरे ।”

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Violence Against Women and Girls



Mr. V.K Anil
Computer Teacher, Vidyasthali School

Violence against women and girls continues to be a global epidemic that kills tortures and maims physically, psychologically, sexually and economically. It is found in every country, cutting across boundaries of culture, class, education, income, ethnicity and age. Even though most societies proscribe violence against women, the reality is that violations against women’s human rights are often sanctioned under the garb of cultural practice and norms or through misinterpretation of religious tenets. Moreover, when the violation takes place within the home, the secured place for women, as is very often the case, the abuse is effectively condoned by the tacit silence and the passivity displayed by
the state and the law enforcing machinery. Unfortunately, the global dimensions of this violence are alarming, as highlighted by studies on its incidence and prevalence but no society can claim to be free of such violence, the only variation is in the patterns and trends that exist in countries and regions. The trend of violence against women was recently highlighted by India’s National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) which stated that while in 2000, an average of 125 women faced domestic violence every day, the figure stood at 160 in 2005. Domestic violence is described as violence consisting of physical, sexual, psy- chological, verbal and emotional abuse. A wide range of aggressive behaviors are examples of abuse including hitting, forced sexual intercourse, harassment, extreme possessiveness, isolating the woman from her family and friends, withholding financial resources, physical damage to her body and murder. Domestic violence affects both men and women; however, women are more commonly the victims of domestic violence.
It may mostly result due to factors such as dowry, low educational status, suspicion and infidelity. Shubakumar et al. (2005) concluded that among 9938 subjects, 40% of Indian women have experienced some sort of spousal violence during their marital life and that has led to poor mental health. An analysis of NFHS – III 2005 – 2006 data (among 3836 women) in Tamil Nadu, Audinarayana (2011) reported that spousal physical violence is 42% among the age group of 30-49 years residing in rural areas who lack education and belong to the Hindu and Christianity religious groups and, 165% in terms of emotional violence. Bontha and Shantanu (2009) have observed from a study in Eastern
India that among 1753 samples (married women) 21.1% in Jharkhand, 14.6% in West Bengal and 13.2% in Orissa face physical violence, while, 32.4% in Orissa, 19.7% in West
Bengal and 27.4% in Jharkhand have experienced sexual violence, whereas, more than half of the women in all the above mentioned states were subjected to psychological violence. A significant relationship of domestic violence was observed with deviant behavior of the husband like drug addiction, habitual gambling and practice of visiting Commercial Sex Workers besides addiction to alcohol. Audinarayana (2011) reported that partner’s frequency of alcohol consumption and the father ever beat mother are
the most significant factors influencing physical and emotional violence at a greater level. Interestingly it is noted that the leading social risk factors of domestic violence perceived and reported by the affected women (110) age ranges from (26 – 30 years), are alcohol addiction and other factors were poverty, son preference, dowry conflict and illicit relationship of husband with other women (Mitra 2006). Another study by Koenig et.al (2006) after examining 4520 subjects concluded that the women from high socioeconomic
status were found to be quite protected against physical but not sexual violence which is due to the household economic pressure, childlessness and husband’s extra-marital relationships lated to the sexual violence. Further, he also added that in rural Uganda by 2003, among 5109 women, the factors that have strengthened physical violence were the denial of a woman towards sex, household chores, disobedience toward spouse and family elders, adoption of contraception
without the partners’ permission and woman’s argument over money. The foregoing literature indicates that most of the studies conducted in the past have focused on either regions of India like, east, west, north and south with small sample sizes, which generally reflect the micro level understanding of this phenomenon. Against this backdrop, the present paper attempts to highlight the magnitude of domestic violence, types and the help seeking behavior at national (macro) level.


Types of Violence and Abuse
Violence and abuse are best understood as a pattern of behaviour intended to establish power and maintain control over family, household members, intimate partners, colleagues or groups. The roots of all forms of violence and abuse are founded in the many types of inequality which continue to exist and grow in our society.
Violence and abuse may occur only once, it can involve various tactics of subtle manipulation or it may occur frequently while escalating over a period of months or years. In any form, violence and abuse profoundly affect individual health and well-being.
• Physical Violence
• Sexual Violence
• Emotional Violence
• Psychological Violence
• Spiritual Violence
• Cultural Violence

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home of unspeakable crimes against women



Class Teacher -VII, Vidyasthali School

Women, otherwise, portrayed in hyperbole terms in religious texts, literature and traditions of the country remain prisoners of time, traditions, political games and the rising consumerist web. There is no ‘safe exit’ for her even though she may be a city-based  working women or an uneducated village women drawing water from a pond.

 In a survey conducted by Thomson Reuters’ Trust Law Women, a hub of legal information and legal support for women’s rights, India ranks with Afghanistan, Congo and Somalia as one of the most dangerous place for women.

A casual scan of the front page of any major Indian newspaper assaults the reader with shocking incidents of violence against women and children. The recent YouTube video of a teenage girl being molested by a mob in Guwahati caused a national outcry. In a country where women and girls are traditionally revered as the Mother and the, this is simply unacceptable. A society that is unable to respect, protect and nurture its women and children loses its moral moorings and runs adrift. This problem cannot be Goddess solved by the government alone but by a national awakening involving the entire country and civil society.

While women in India generally face numerous disadvantages — poor health indicators, lower literacy rates, lower income levels, poor female to male ratio due to sex-selective abortions and female infanticide, to list a few — the last few years have witnessed some astonishing acts of violence against women and children. Last year, 24,206 cases of rape were registered in police stations acrossIndia. Acts of violence registered against women in 2010 total around 2,13,585. Swayam, a Kolkata-based NGO, asserts that between 2005 and 2009, when the overall crime rate rose by 16%, crimes against women rose by 31%. Conviction on rape charges is also likely to be extremely low.

An important change that can be implemented is to make a start in schools. Mandatory child and women’s rights education should be included in the curriculum and the spotlight put on violence against women and children in all its forms. Instead of staying away from such taboo topics, teachers should deal with them in the classroom. A nationwide teachers

.training programme must be introduced to ensure that the subject is properly taught.

Law for Rape in india

_Section 375, 376, 376 A-D IPC deal with rape.

_Section 375 provides that a man is said to commit rape if the woman is under 16 years of age, with or without her consent.

_Marital Rape – is an exception under the IPC if the wife is under 15 years of age.


Prosecution and strict legal action are likely to provide an important deterrent. This could be a three-tier approach. First, it is important to increase reporting of rape and assault. Across the world, rape is a generally under reported crime; this is all the more true in India. It is essential that women and children be educated on their rights on reporting of a violent act against them through an active social media campaign.

Second, it is absolutely vital that law enforcers are trained to react swiftly and with sensitivity to women and children who have been harassed, assaulted or raped. Sensitivity training and knowledge of the rights of women and children are another vital need and must be made mandatory for all law enforcement agencies.

Third, punishments need to be exemplary and widely covered in the media. There has to be a “shock and awe” campaign of zero tolerance of sex offenders and those who kill and violate women and children. Fast track courts should be established to ensure that the law is surgical and unrelenting in pursuing and ensuring that such offenders face the full force of justice, regardless of their rank and station.

Finally, a nationwide campaign is needed to reignite India’s core values and traditions that respect and nurture women and children. This can only be borne out of consensus in society. Awareness among men of the scope of this issue is critical. Men who turn a blind eye to such brutal acts in their own neighborhoods  communities and families are just as culpable as those that perpetrate these acts. Action from courts and police will not suffice if the community remains defiantly opposed to change.

So the biggest question remains: how exactly to engage the entire populace to initiate a change in mindset? How can a national conversation on this subject be leveraged into national action?
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