
किरन मिश्रा

 के.जी.बी.वी  धरमपुर जौनपुर

प्राचीन भारत में जहाँ नारियों को देवी का स्थान प्राप्त था वही भारत में 90% लोग बेटियां नही चाहते है । उनका कारण सिर्फ शिक्षा ही नही बस हमारे समाज में लडकियों को लेकर सुरक्षा भी शामिल हैं । यदि माँ अपनी बेटी को पैदा करना चाहती है तो परिवार के दबाव से वह ऐसा नही कर पाती है और उसकी गर्भ में ही हत्या कर दी जाती है परिवार और समाज में बेटियों को वह स्थान नही प्राप्त है जो बेटो को दिया जाता है आज भी लगभग सभी परिवारो में बेटे और बेटी में असमानता बनी हुई है ।

दिल्ली गैग रेप घटना ने लड़कियों की सुरक्षा में एक सवाल उठा दिया गया है। आए दिन गाँव से लेकर बड़े शहरो में बच्चियों की सुरक्षा कही नही हो पा रही है । घर परिवार से लेकर सभी स्थानों पर महिलाओं की यही दशा है यदि लड़किया अपने घर में ही सुरक्षित नही है तो बाहर की कौन जिम्मेदारी लेगा।


कड़े कानून बनाना  चाहिए जिससे उन्हें तुरंत सजा मिले ।
सजा ऐसी हो की आगे लोगो को सबक मिले ।
लड़कियों को मानसिक रूप से सक्षम  बनाया जाए । कि वे हर  परिस्थिति के लिए तैयार रहें।
लड़कियों को जुडो, कराटे व बॉक्सिंग भी सिखाया जाए । साथ ही साथ हम माताओं को अपने बेटों को  संवेदनशील बनाएं तभी हमारा देश के लोगों में सुधर आयेगा |

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मुहतोड़ जवाब

कस्तूरबा गाँधी विद्यालय

हमे आत्मनिर्भर और अपने आप पर विश्वास होना चाहिए । अभी तक घरेलू हिंसा के कारण भारत की बेटियाँ घर से बाहर निकलने में असमर्थ थी। लेकिन अब ऐसा नहीं है हम भारत की बेटियां स्वतंत्र रूप से पढ़ – लिख कर अपने पैरो पर खड़ा होना चाहती है, लेकिन अपने पैरो पर खड़े होने के लिए, हम लड़कियों को बाहर आना जाना, मतलब सड़क पर चलना पड़ता है। लड़कियों को सड़क पर चलते हुए, लड़के बोलियाँ बोलते है, लेकिन हम लड़कियों को नजर अंदाज कर देना चाहिए, अगर लड़के छेड़खानी करते है तो हम लड़कियों को मुहतोड़ जवाब देना चाहिए और डटकर सामना करना चाहिए। सबसे जरुरी बात है कि अगर लड़की का पीछा लड़का करता है तो उसे कभी भी सूनसान जगह पर नही रुकना चाहिए जहाँ पर अधिक से अधिक लोग हों वहाँ पर जाकर सभी लोगों को बता देना चाहिए और सबसे बड़ी बात है कि लड़कियों को अपने आप पर काबू रखना चाहिए क्योंकि हर माँ- बाप की यह सोच होती है कि उनकी बेटियाँ बड़ी होकर एक होनहार लड़की बनेगी। मेरी यह विनती है कि प्रार्थना हैं कि मेरे भाईयों किसी दूसरे कि बहन बेटियों को छेड़ते वक्त, अपनी बहन बेटियों को जरुर याद करें। हम लड़कियों को रात को ज्यादा देर तक घर से बाहर नही रहना चाहिए और तभी हम लड़कियां सेफ रह पाएँगी ऐसे केस न हो इसके लिए सक्त से सक्त कानून बनाना चाहिए । दिल्ली गैग रेप हुआ उसके बाद ये बहुत आवश्यक हो गया है कि हम लड़कियों को अपनी सेफ्टी के लिए कुछ ऐसा लेकर चलना चाहिए जिसे लड़कियां अपनी सुरक्षा कर सके ।

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जौनपुर- बस्ती के.जी.बी.वी

नागरिकों को हमेशा सचेत रहना चाहिए उन्हें अपने पास के माहौल एवं गतिविधियों पर ध्यान रखना चाहिए और मदद के लिए हमेशा तैयार रहना चाहिए और यातायात पुलिस को भी अपने कार्यो के प्रति सचेत रहना चाहिए बसों में काले शीशे और ढके हुए पर्दे नहीं लगे होने चाहिए महिलाओ की सुरक्षा के लिए कड़े से कड़ा कानून जैसे फांसी सजा निर्धारित करनी चाहिए । यदि इन सब बातों का ध्यान रखा गया होता तो यह घटना नहीं होती । लड़कियों को बचपन से ही माता पिता एवं अध्यापिका द्वारा स्वयं को सुरक्षा समबन्धित बाते बतानी चाहिए जिससे यदि भविष्य में दामिनी जैसी स्थिति का सामना करना पड़े । तो स्वयं ही अपनी सुरक्षा के लिए महिला हेल्पलाइन आदि सुविधाओं का प्रयोग कर ले । पुलिस को भी अपने कर्तव्य के लिए जागरूक किया जाये क्योकि पुलिस व्यवस्था पूरी तरह से दुरुस्त नही है

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लड़की की असमंजस


के. जी. बी . वी- जौनपुर

लड़की को शरीरिक तौर पर मजबूत बनाने का प्रयास किया जाना चाहिए ताकि वह अपनी सुरक्षा स्वंय कर सके । लड़कियों को अपनी आप बीती घटनाओ को घर वालो से बताना चाहिए और छुपाना, शर्माना नही चाहिए लड़के के बहकावे में न आये घर पे शिकायत कर डरे नही ।

माँ बाप लड़कियों की शिकायत गम्भीरता से नही लेते है और उल्टा लड़कियों को गलत समझने लगते हैं जिससे लड़किया मानसिक रूप से पीड़ित हो जाती है

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End India’s rape epidemic

Dear friends across India,

Last week, the President approved new rules that still allow husbands to rape wives and soldiers to rape civilians!We didn’t come out into the streets after the Delhi gang rape for insulting half-measures like this. Click below to send a message to President Mukherjee to let him know our movement is here to stay until we win:

Sign the petition

Something incredible has been happening across India as men and women and people of all backgrounds have come together to demand an end to the mistreatment, harassment and rape of our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends. The government is moving in response, but they’re not doing enough and we can’t let up now.

Just last week, the President approved new rules that our government claimed were designed to address the problem of sexual violence, but outrageously they still allow husbands to rape their wives and soldiers to rape civilians! We didn’t come out into the streets and start an historic national movement for insulting half-measures like this. If we let the President know this isn’t good enough, he can use his influence with Sonia Gandhi and within Congress to force the government to abandon these temporary rules and enact real protections for women.

Let’s send President Mukherjee a deafening message that he can’t be President for only half the Republic. Click below and help get thousands of messages streaming into the Presidential palace calling for strong action to end the rape epidemic:


After our massive street protests that followed the heinous gang-rape of a 23-year-old student, the government set up a committee headed by Justice Verma to recommend ways to end the rape epidemic. A loud cheer went up around India when the Committee challenged male power across all of India’s male-dominated institutions and recommended sweeping reforms to transform the way women are viewed under the law.

But the government has thus far refused to implement them. The government even tried to hide the Verma report by removing it from the Home Ministry website. Instead, it’s caving into the military and others who make bogus arguments that reforms designed to protect women will lead to false claims. The real danger, though, is that if we don’t enact tough reforms more women will suffer in silence. Our community is already pressing the government to launch a mass public education campaign to change harmful male attitudes towards women, but we need to prevent bad laws as well.

The ordinance the government sent to the President last week is intended as a trial balloon — a temporary measure that pretends to implement some reforms while leaving other problems like marital rape and military rape unaddressed. They’re waiting to see if protests continue or die down. That’s why we need to keep up this fight and show the President we won’t back down. Click below and tell him that we expect him to act for citizens, not backward politicians:


Avaaz members have fought against government corruption and lethargy at all levels — from a small hospital in Punjab that killed a baby to the power circles of Delhi where laws are made. Together we are a force that can’t be ignored — let’s use it now to turn the tide against the prevailing culture of rape.

With hope,

Meredith, Alaphia, Luis, Alice, Ian, Alex, Mais, Wissam and the rest of the Avaaz team


The Government vs. the Committee (Wall Street Journal):

President signs ordinance to effect changes in laws against sexual crimes (India Today):

Curing India’s rape epidemic: The education option (Avaaz):

Activists oppose making rape gender-neutral (Times of India):

Verma panel recommendations not rejected, asserts Chidambaram (The Hindu):

What’s cooking? Justice Verma report vanishes from Home Ministry portal (Firstpost):

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Metamorphose into Shakti


J K Mathur
Retired Banker

At the instance  of Study Hall’s  Shalini Chandra, I went through with interest the article written by Dr Urvashi Sahni, on the Study Hall Fondation website, which may be taken as some kind of a key-note address on the burning topic in view. The rejoinders, in prose and poetry, are well-informed, analytical and seem to have emanated from the core of respective commentators’ hearts, indicating strong feelings and anguish on the torment and injustice inflicted on our daughters.

Somebody has rightly said that a daughter is a ‘miracle created by God’. She is forever loving and caring; she is full of inner beauty and external charm. The very presence of a daughter lights up a place in the family and spreads an aura of assurance, a sense of dependability. Parents with sons only and no daughters do not know what they are missing. A daughter in any house-hold, forms the fulcrum round which all activities move, be it sweeping the floor, cleaning the house, cooking, washing utensils, looking after younger siblings and running all sorts of errands; at the same time, she adds income to the family’s pool, wherever possible. It is the daughter who stands like a rock behind her parents. Telling testimonies of daughters’ role in any family are available in plenty in the saga of ‘Prerna’ ,the formidable school being run by Study Hall for the female children of poorest families; they not only help their families in keeping their pot boiling but also study  and excel in academics, sports and cultural activities.
Against this background, a question which everybody is asking but not finding reasonable answers is why these daughters, who are vital cogs in any family, are being subjected to atrocity and cruelty ranging from bad to worse. Daughters are killed at birth, trafficked when they grow up or raped mercilessly, compelled to marry as a child bride and are prone to exploitation of all types by those who hold some kind of sway over them. One shudders to know about inhuman stories that have recently come to light where even the fathers have committed heinous crimes of incest on their own progeny. What is alarming is that in spite of serious repercussions of the recent gang rape in Delhi and the vehement protests and undying demand for death to rapists in our legal system as well as formation of fast-track courts to dispense expeditious justice to sexual offenders, the newspapers continue to report cases of rapes from various parts of the country.

This leads us to believe that the criminally-minded are undeterred even by the possibility of harshest punishment. The mind-set of the people in general that is loaded against women in our country, must be made to undergo the much-needed change. Age-old social customs and cultural shackles imposed by mostly the male law-makers and holy men in ancient India, who gave credit to male superiority in their pronouncements in scriptures, are required to be diluted. Their judgmental views on the woman-folk have been articulated in religious texts and mythological accounts where many restrictions are state to have been placed on women; they have been shown as lesser human beings. Even our revered Tulsi Das Ji has  bracketed woman with  rustics and animals, deserving coercion (tadna).  Sita also had undergo the Agni-Pariksha. Manu Smriti is chauvinistic in its approach to woman. Devdasis in our temples were required to render rituals and sometimes services of the dubious kind to religious heads and their henchmen. Centuries of oppression, instigated by our religious and cultural commands, have subjugated and degraded the daughters of India. They are considered as burden on the family and have to be given away in marriage to other families where a new chapter of atrocities is opened. While the sons are supposed to be assets in the family balance sheet, the daughters are reckoned as liabilities as soon as they are born. The male inheritors are invariably preferred in matters of education and imparting of skills as the daughters have to go out of the family as ‘ paraya dhan’. So the thinking is- what is the use of investing in their education and equipping them with gainful skills as the consequent benefits are not likely to accrue to the family. In this context, our voluntary organizations engaged in the education of the deprived female children are doing divine work. All efforts should be made to encourage them with all possible means for the education and resultant empowerment of women.

An encouraging trend has emerged where the daughters of the family are also coming out in the open and fighting for their rights as equals. The recent changes in the Statute, where the daughters are also eligible for 50% of the family property, will go a long way to empower them and put them on a higher pedestal. It will help in bestowing to them their rightful place and give them a semblance of respectability in the society.
The dynamics of social change, the vociferous roar for social justice, steps taken for the emancipation of women and rapid shift in the mind-set of the society is the only hope for our daughters. It is imperative that they should come out of the stigma of ‘weaker sex’ and metamorphose into ‘Shakti’ to fight the rakshasas  (demons) of our ‘samaaj’( society )and emerge with flying colours.

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आज की नारी

Anjali Yadav

Class- XII-Prerna school


महान नारियों ने देश को आज़ाद करवाया ,

हमारे देश को अंग्रेजो के चंगुल से बचाया ,

लेकिन देश आज़ाद होकर भी आज़ाद न हो पाया ,

हां नारी को ही ‘नर ‘ने अपने सौदे का ज़रिया बनाया ,

देश की नारी को बेझिझक बेचकर खाया ,

लेकिन अब ‘बस ‘ नारी ने नर के हर ज़ुल्म और सजा सही ,

लेकिन अब नहीं,

अब आ गयी नारी की परिक्षा की घड़ी ,

इस परिक्षा में नारी उतरेगी खरी ,

देगी हर सवाल का जवाब ,

चाहे आम इन्सान पुछे या पुछे कोई शहर दा नवाब ,

नारी ने जान लिए है अपने सारे अधिकार ,

अब नहीं सहेगीं कोई भी अत्याचार ,

बदलने पर मजबूर कर देंगे दरिंदो के विचार

तोड़ देंगे वो सारी जंज़ीरे और दीवार ,

फिर नहीं होगा कोई भी नारियों का खरीदार ,


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Mitali Dey

India has been fighting for centuries for the cause of equality for women in order to establish social justice. The stories related to women and injustice is a recurring episode in the country. The Delhi Rape case has created a milieu which has brought forth many cases related to the prejudice faced by the women in the country. Atrocities on women have just increased. If a mentally and psychologically sound woman is unsafe then what about the safety of the mentally handicapped group? Mentally handicapped group is an easy target since they cannot tell anybody about the crime nor can they do anything to save themselves. The measures and laws should be framed to guard the securities of physically and psychologically abnormal women along with those of the general category, which will meet the justice to womenfolk in true sense.

Atrocities on women, both in urban and rural India, are a blot on our collective conscience and a matter of great shame. We should now join our hands together, come forward and fight for the atrocities on womenfolk so that we could make this world a more better and safer place to live in.



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Get the lion out of us…..not just a butterfly!

Arushi Bharti
class X-B

Life of a woman in India is like a red traffic light! Not turning into the orange one, as in process, nor can we say will ever change into the green one! It has just STOPPED! And this is because of the demons the evils hiding somewhere next to us in our society. Every next second, is a news of a girl raped, even a 3 years old girl who wouldn’t even remember what happened to her at that age. But why is this happening ??? Because we are letting this happen to us! But why are we letting this happen to us?? Because of the missing Y Chromosome ? NO! We are letting this happen to us because we are scared of the minds of the other 10 people who we barely know! Parents ask us to forget what happened because they think its a big mark of shame on their faces! They don’t want us to earn…..even if we earn the husband is an alcoholic an abuse! They think a baby girl is a burden but a boy is divine, can do anything. But they forget, a boy cannot give birth but a woman can. The grand father, the father, the young man who just got married, is in this world because of a woman!

It’s high time to act like a tendril of a plant!
We need to get the lion out of us…..not just a butterfly!

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