Digital Study Hall, Study Hall Educational Foundation
presenting : Scaling strategies at WISE Summit 2015 as part of WISE Globalizer.

Dr.Urvashi Sahni on a panel discussion on “Scaling Up Innovations to Get Millions Learning” with Dr. Rebecca Winthrop, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Universal Education, The Brookings Institution, Ms Wendy Kopp, CEO and Co-Founder, Teach for All, Dr. Claudia Costin, Senior Director, Education Global Practice,The World Bank Group. The discussion was moderated by Mr. Philipp Schmidt, Director of Learning Innovation, MIT Media Lab, United States of America
‪#WISE15‬ 5th November 2015

The 2015 World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) – was organised from November 3-5, in Doha, Qatar. Since 2009, WISE has brought together decision makers, influential experts and practitioners at an Annual Summit in Doha, to explore ground breaking innovations and take concrete steps to make significant improvements to worldwide education. The Annual World Innovation Summit for Education is the premier international platform dedicated to innovation and creative action in education where top decision-makers share insights with on-the-ground practitioners and collaborate to rethink education.

Giacomo Pirozzi’s Photography refresher workshop with Prerna girls

22 students from Prerna Girls School were part of a Photography Workshop hosted by UNICEF UP and conducted by an Italian Photographer– Giacomo Pirozzi.

Giacomo Pirozzi is an Italian professional photographer working for UNICEF and other development agencies. Having travelled and photographed in almost 140 countries in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, and Africa, he has published books and has developed a methodology to teach children “Photography” during the process. In the past 10 years he has conducted workshops in over 40 countries including India.

A day long refresher was hosted on school campus for girls from last year’s workshop and girls from the photography club. The refresher showcased girl’s photography work from the last year. Giacomo commended girl’s photography and applauded the school for a very active photography club. 

The girls went out for an hour long shoot later in the day with Giacomo.5 photographs from the shoot were selected and showcased on UNICEF website. The photographs were also showcased at an evening with Giacomo organised by Lucknow Expressions Society in Lucknow.


Around the campus November 2015


This gallery contains 11 photos.

THEATRE CRAFT IN RAJASTHAN Quality education must reach the underserved, especially the underprivileged adolescent girls, and empowerment must find a place in the core curriculum – this is the philosophy of Study Hall Educational Foundation. Since 2011, Digital Study Hall, … Continue reading

Veerangana Rally 2015

Led by the Veeranganas of Prerna Girls School, teachers and students of the Study Hall School, Vidyasthali Kanar High School, Study Hall Centre for Learning, Digital Study Hall and Gyansetu Non Formal Education Centres came together for an awareness campaign against street violence and to promote girls’ education.They were joined by teams from all the eight Kasturba Gandhi Vidyalayas of Lucknow district. They assembled in Study Hall School on Sunday, November 9th, 2015  and then they were divided into three groups, each more than 200 strong. Raising slogans, carrying banners and placards and singing songs with gusto, they marched in the lanes and by lanes of Ujariyaon, Digdiga and Gwari villages. People climbed on rooftops and thronged the open spaces to see the street plays that were repeated many times.The Veers, the boys from Prerna boys felt proud to carry the message along with the Veeranganas. More than 2000 persons signed the pledge to stop and resist street violence. The campaign touched almost 40,000 people with the message STOP AND RESIST STREET AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.

Prerna Girls School Convocation 2015

The 13th convocation of Prerna Girls School on the 10th October, 2015 was a momentous and emotional occasion. It was a good bye and yet not a goodbye for the girls because their Alma mater is not just a school .It is more than a home to them. They leave the school, secure in the knowledge that their dear Urvashi Aunty, their teachers and their friends will be with them as they step out of the loving cocoon of Prerna towards a bright future. For the Principal and staff of Prerna Girls School, it was yet another victory, a proof of their determination to not only educate and empower these girls but also to turn them into change makers, so that they can carry the Prerna legacy forward.

Prerna, meaning ‘inspiration’, lived up to its name yet again. This was apparent when thirteen girls who passed their class 12th NIOS examination from the school were felicitated by Dr Urvashi Sahni who awarded them a scholarship of Rs 5000 each to give them ‘Prerna’ for pursuing their graduation in colleges and universities of their choice. In addition, five girls were awarded Rs 20,000 each to pursue their Masters Degree programs by Dr. Sahni.

The fact that 100% girls have transited to higher education is in itself proof enough that Prerna has succeeded in its mission – however, there are miles to go yet and the commitment of the staff shows no signs of waning. They have years of work already planned out.

The convocation ceremony was in itself a heartwarming experience, both for the girls of the school as well as the dignitaries who graced the occasion.

The girls, dressed in the traditional regalia were visibly excited on the occasion, and displayed a sense of pride and achievement.

The dignitaries present at the convocation came to bless and encourage these girls. These esteemed guests included – Prof. Bharat Bhaskar (Director IIM Lucknow), and Mrs.Nandita  Bhaskar, Mrs.Shanti Sahni,Mr.Sunil Sahni, Mr.Ashwini Malhotra (Weikfield), Mrs. Preeti Malhotra, Mrs.Sunita Aron (Hindustan Times), Mrs.Kunjshri Jauhri, and Prof.Rakesh Chandra.

None of this would have been possible without the teamwork and the selfless support of our sponsors, Dr. Sahni’s tireless efforts and philanthropy and the seamless dedication of the staff of Prerna – not to mention the hard work put in by the girls.

NIOS at Study Hall

About NIOS

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) formerly National Open School is the Board of Education for Distance education, under the Union Government of India. It was established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development of Government of India in 1989 to provide education to remote areas under the motive to increase literacy and aimed forward for flexible learning. The NIOS is a national board that administers examinations for Secondary and Senior Secondary examinations of open schools similar to the CBSE and the CISCE to increase literacy and provide education to rural areas. It also offers vocational courses after the high school.
It had a cumulative enrolment of about 2.5 million students from 2004-2015 at Secondary and Senior Secondary levels and enrols about 350,000 students annually which makes it the largest open schooling system in the world.


Inclusive learning with universal and flexible access to quality school education and skill development is what we target. It is the key to success.


  • Providing a relevant, continuing and holistic education up to pre-degree level through Open and Distance Learning System
  • Contributing to the universalisation of School Education.
  • Catering to the educational needs of the prioritized target groups for equity and social justice


Quality Policy

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is committed to provide excellent, sustainable, inclusive and flexible education up to Pre-Degree level through Open & Distance Learning (ODL) mode & compliance of requirements to ensure satisfaction of learners and continuous improvement of our Quality Management System.


  • Freedom to Learn
  • Flexibility : (a) Choice of Subjects (b) Admission (c) Examination (d) On Demand Examination
  • Relevance
  • Transfer of Credits
  • Recognized Quality Education

Study Hall has become an accredited institution (AI) of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) on 11 December, 2014. AI Center Code is 210644.

At Study Hall we believe that – ‘Children are unique, powerful, important persons, worthy of our respect. They have a right to enjoy their childhood, which is an important phase of their lives and deserves to be understood respectfully rather than treated simply as a preparation for adulthood.’

Special features about NIOS at Study Hall:

  • Online and offline Registration: Guidance is provided for documentation, registration charges, choice of subjects.
    100+ registrations are already done in the very first year of the accreditation.
  • Availability of Soft/Hard copy of study Material: Soft and hard copies of the study materials are provided.
  • Solved and unsolved question papers: Solved and unsolved question papers of last 5 years are available.
  • PCP: Proper guidance through Contact classes.
  • Lab facilities: Well equipped lab facilities for practical are available.
  • Practical Files: Guidance for preparation of practical files is provided.
  • Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA): Guidance for preparation and completion of TMA is provided through workshops.
  • Flexible Scheme of Examination is available: Public examination is conducted by NIOS twice a year. Students can get nine chances to appear in the public examinations over a period of five years to complete their courses. Any of the following can be chosen for getting evaluated and certified:-
    Public examination conducted by NIOS twice a year.
    Schedule your own examination date sheet.
    Public examination in some subjects and ODES in other subjects.
  • Transfer of Credit (TOC): Ex-Secondary/Senior Secondary students of the following Boards of School Education who have passed in at least on subject, but have not qualified in the course, may seek admission in the respective course at NIOS and avail facility of TOC in 2 subjects.
  • Choice of Subjects: Guidance Available for the choices of subjects.

Important Links
Online course material
Online Admission
Transfer of Credit
Students information board
On Demand Examination
Success Stories

The Nursery Teacher Vocational Training Programme

The Nursery and Primary Teacher Vocational Training Programme  opens opportunities to be  an early childhood educator in Pre-Primary and Primary  schools. It is ideally suited for those who aspire to be teachers and are willing to do something meaningful and creative. The course aims to enable trainees with little or no experience, to gain insight into the characteristics of young learner. The trainees are prepared to manage and combat various situations that arise when moulding and shaping the young minds in the school environment.


The objective is to develop efficient and energetic teachers and through them provide fun-filled education to children. Apart from instructional sessions, workshops and seminars, various activities and stimulations help the trainees learn to prepare their own teaching materials and use the existing ones effectively. Trainees eventually have intrinsic motivation to use the strategies to teach young learners through drama, music, experiments, first hand experiences amongst other techniques of teaching learning.


We aim to go beyond the boundaries of “School Learning”. There is an integration of “Theory with Practical” and “Practice Teaching” throughout the course. The programme provides a practical based learning approach through a regular course.

Trainees mostly learn by working in the classroom. Lectures and theoretic aspects are minimal and practical and hands-on experiences are maximum during the coursework.


There are two kinds of courses offered

  • Course A- A regular full time course in The Prep School Campus ,covering experience in classes Nursery to V
  • Course B- Correspondence course for working professionals, covering Pre Primary classes.

Course A

Nursery and Primary Teacher Training Course

The coursework duration is of one academic session spread over two semesters.

  • Semester 1 – Mid April to Mid September
  • Semester 2 – Mid September to Mid March


  • Educational Psychology: Knowing Young Learners
  • Early Childhood Education: Principles and Approaches
  • Instructional Strategies and Resource Management


  • Classroom Management and Evaluation Techniques
  • Teaching Language (Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening)
  • Child Health and Nutrition

For each paper, the course material considered essential is provided in the form of books , handouts, photocopies of relevant  topics, worksheets, periodicals etc. The coursework is based on the philosophy and methods of Dr Maria Montessori, John Dewey, Friedrich Froebel, Howard Gardner and other great educators.

From time to time experts will be invited for guidance and improved learning in the area of Early Childhood Learning, Child Development, Child Psychology, Child Nutrition etch. In addition, resource persons for Puppetry, Art and Craft, Music and Movement would be invited as well.

Practical are conducted in the classrooms. Student teachers start going to the classrooms from Day one. They spend at least 3 hours every day in a classroom mentored by a master teacher. During the training they get an opportunity to cover all the classes from Nursery to class V in The Prep School and the Junior School. The practical aspect empowers them as they get ample opportunity to observe and understand the young learners with theory classes.

Practice teaching in Study Hall, The Prep School and Prerna Schools towards the end of the training further empowers the teachers.


Assignments will be based on oral work, practical learning, projects, presentations, group discussions , seminars and workshops. Trainees will maintain a portfolio of work done during the nine month period of training in form of anecdotal evidence, photographs, lesson plans, teaching materials etch. Trainees will be researchers who will see theory, research and practice as dynamically interrelated and also as independent entities. Action research and case study are integral part of the training.


Trainee are assessed on, ongoing intervals by third party evaluators, through peer   and  self  checking techniques. Written assessments will be conducted at regular intervals. Trainees will get diagnostic reports showing areas of strength and those that require more clarity and understanding from time to time.


Any person who has completed 10 + 2 and is passionate about teaching children can apply.

Course B

Nursery Teacher Training – Upgrading Skills

Certification in Skills Up gradation for working professionals

Course B is a six month correspondence course designed for working professionals .This short term course is for Pre Primary Teachers to learn about the best practices of The Prep School curriculum. There are six theory papers, which the trainees have to study at home. Six assignments have to be done at home, related to the six theory papers. Weekly contact programme is conducted on every Saturday.

Summer Training   of 10 days will be held  in The Prep School  which will include workshops in Art and Craft, Storytelling, Rhymes and Songs , Show and Tell  and other activities .


Trainees will also do practice teaching for a week each in Prerna schools, boys and girls both. They will also get a chance to observe and learn from the Prep School Teachers.


Trainee are assessed on, ongoing intervals on assignments, workshop activities, file and portfolio documentation. Written assessments is conducted towards the completion of course.


Any person who is working in a Pre School and has completed 10 + 2 can apply.


  • The trainees get a deeper insight and get to learn about young learner’s at school.
  • In depth understanding of growth and development of students in formative years.
  • Learn more about natural curiosity of learners.
  • Trainees inculcate san ability to solve, think, create and decide for themselves.
  • Working teachers can update their knowledge and skills.

With this certification a person can comfortably teach Pre-Primary and Primary children. The teaching methodologies experienced by a trainee are at par   with several educational organizations of repute. It is of a major value addition in terms of knowledge and experience.


At the end of the successful completion of the training, a certificate will be provided by

Study Hall Education Foundation (Vocational Training Programme) 

Contact details- Prep School, A4/89 Vishal Khand Gomti, Lko. Call 9935012427, 9559767707

Email: nurseryteachertraining.vtp@gmail.com



Study Hall School Campus was ablaze with bright colours and spirited with spectacular festivity as the Study Hall Educational Foundation family celebrated 69th Independence Day, 15 th August 2015

Students and Staff from Study Hall School, Prerna Girls School, Dosti School, Centre for Learning and NIOS school, Vidhyasthali school, Digital Study Hall and DIDI’s – A unit of sister’s in Solidarity participated with full zeal and excitement. Every heart was filled with pride and the feeling of patriotism, love and respect. Seeds of the thought – “Are we really free”, were etched in everyone’s mind.

Media Coverage, Hindustan Times, Lucknow Edition 17.8.2015

A mind that is free from all discrimination, it brings us all together, it tolerates and it accommodates.

Digital Study Hall team celebrated Independence day with these little kids at one of Non Formal Education Centres at Patel Puram, Lucknow.

‘Enabling Inclusive Education — Education of Girls, SCs, STs, Minorities and Children with Special Needs’

Against the backdrop of the invitation of the Union HRD ministry for public involvement with drafting New Education Policy 2015, Dr. Urvashi Sahni gave her recommendations on the 13 ‘themes’ of school education short-listed for public debate .

Even though the historic right to Education Act, 2009 mandates admission of children with special needs in all mainstream schools, this directive is followed more in the breach than observance. “The government school system is a disaster. There are not enough schools in remote areas and habitations with high SC/ST and minority populations. The RTE Act should be amended to penalise schools for denying admission to special needs and SC/ST children. Special needs education should be included in B.Ed and all other teacher training curricula,” says Urvashi Sahni, founder of the Study Hall Educational Foundation, Lucknow, which runs a rural school (Vidyasthali) serving 472 students from 55 villages, and the all-girls Prerna with an enrolment of 730 girls from urban slums.

EW Recommendation. Ab initio, Education World has argued for inclusive education i.e, integration of children with special needs into mainstream schools, provision of ramps and other enabling facilities in all education institutions (see EW, April 2003) and gender parity in education (EW, April 2004). For inclusive education to become a reality in India, make all school premises disabled-friendly, and update teaching and learning systems and assessment and examinations processes. EW also recommends adoption of the inclusive education model developed by the Mumbai-based National Resource Centre for Inclusion, and multiplying and modernisng of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas, all-girls residential schools in rural India (see EW, September 2007).

Courtesy Education World Online

Community Mobilization Training Programme 2015

Study Hall foundation is running the “Aarohini Programme” in Kasturba Gandhi Vidyalayas of Uttar Pradesh for empowering adolescent girls from the marginalized communities .As a part of the program, teachers training sessions are being organized for using innovative methods for informing and educating the parents about their daughters’ rights.

One such training was recently organized by the Digital Study Hall at Rampur, July 2015 for the teachers of all the seven KGBVs of the district .The teachers were made to understand the need for mobilizing the community and the importance of getting the message across without hurting the dignity of anyone .They were inspired to plan creatively for their Parent – Teacher Meetings .They enjoyed preparing and presenting issue based plays .These plays will be part of the PTMs. Members of the School Management Committee were invited on the third day. They were all parents and most were not literate .Initially, they were diffident but after the ice breaker game, they were receptive and interactive. During the feedback, they all said that they had never felt so important and so worthy in their lives.

-Shalini Chandra,Head Pedagogy, Digital Study Hall