​A Unique Art Exhibition -2016

The students of Study Hall got a chance to visit – Vidyagyan, A Unique Art Exhibition where in addition to the paintings of students of Vidyagyan, schools from Lucknow also exhibit paintings of their students. The paintings of differently abled students from schools in the vicinity of Lucknow are also a part of this endeavour.

The Shiv Nadar Foundation established ‘VidyaGyan Leadership Academy in Uttar Pradesh in 2009 as a unique social experiment. The vision of VidyaGyan is to identify brilliant children from economically underprivileged rural communities and nurture them into future leaders.

Picture Credits : Moin ( Student Photographer)]


Around the Campus July 2016

For Literary Excellence at St.Teresa School, Lucknow

The junior school students participated in various events at St.Teresa’s school and made us proud with their performances.While little Praharsh won the first prize in the “spell bee” competition,  Sanskriti of standard II bagged the first prize in “story telling competition”.Sanchit Gupta of Standard III also took part in “read aloud competition”, and Samra from standard I participated in “jumble word competition” and got the third prize.


Lucknow chapter of IIMUN was organised by Indian International MUN,(Mumbai) from 22nd Of July ’16 to 24th of July’16 at Allen House School Lucknow. A delegation of approximately fifty students participated and bagged several prizes from Study Hall School. Study Hall School was awarded the title of “THE BEST SCHOOL DELEGATION” by Honourable governor Ram Naik. It was not only in debating that Study Hall students showcased their talents but also in management skills as the whole event was managed by logistic members from Study Hall .

  • Best school Delegation trophy-Study Hall
  • Committee Prizes :
  • Siddhant Mishra-1st prize
  • Arushi Dixit-1st prize
  • Tanya Nanda-2nd prize
  • Ashutosh Raj-2nd prize
  • Arjun Chaudhary-2nd prize
  • Aditya Shukla-2nd prize
  • Special Mentions: Yashasvi Krishna
  • Verbal Mentions: Chaitanya Mohan,Vinayak Dixit, Saman Hussain,Apoorva Vardhan
  • Best photographer-Akriti Rastogi


The Study Hall Universe of Care deserves a clap for changing the lives of the students enrolled here, for better. The real life experiences given here, impact the minds of the students and teach them things which can never be forgotten.The youngsters of class 5 were fascinated while studying about the country’s constitution and government.

To understand how India is a true democracy, the class activity included getting the children into groups.Each group gave a class presentation on their “Party”, for which they decided on a name and prepared a symbol placard, a slogan banner and a speech for canvassing.
This was followed by all the children of class 5, casting a secret vote in the Ballot box to elect the Junior School Cabinet.Their participation in the election of the Junior School Student’s Council made them feel very proud and taught them the importance of elections in our country.



The senior girls of Prerna Girls School organised a panel discussion on child marriage on 15th July, 2016 .The panel comprised of Prerna alumni, Prerna boys and Prerna girls, Dr Urvashi Sahni, Mrs. Shalini Chandra, Mrs. Suparna Chatterjee, Madhu [a parent ] along with Dr Smita Singh and Ms Shipra Hitesh [ both visiting faculty, Lucknow University ]were the guest participants .The programme was graced by the presence of Ms.Rebecca Winthrop,Director, Global Education, Brookings Institution, Washington D. C., who was  visiting the Study Hall Foundation . Prerna girls Panchkumari and Kirti Gupta conducted the discussion brilliantly.

The discussion began with the understanding of the term Child marriage and then moved on to it’s reasons and repercussions and finally to finding ways to end this malpractice. There were poignant moments when girls and parents recounted their personal experiences. Many of them broke down ,making everyone in the jam packed hall realise the gravity of the problem .The hall resounded with applause when a father got up to admit that he made a mistake by getting his elder daughter married very early but he would let his younger daughters study as much as they wanted .

A visibly moved Ms. Winthrop talked of her experiences while working in other countries and praised the Prerna girls for their courage and enterprise. The Principal, Prerna Girls School – Mrs. Rakhee Panjwani proposed the vote of thanks.

Top Mentor : NSTSE 2016 (Unified Council)

Congratulations  to Mrs. Anuradha Baijal from Study Hall for being the Top 5 Mentors across Uttar Pradesh for highest Student Participation in NSTSE 2016 (Unified Council). She is a inspiration and regular source of encouragement for all students.

International Yoga Day 2016

International Yoga Day 2016

Yoga does not ask you to be more than you are. But it does ask you to be all that you are. Be what you are on this World Yoga Day 2016.The Teachers and Students at Study Hall have been regularly practising Yoga Asana under the guidance of Mr. Rajesh and Mrs. Kalpana Singh  – Our yoga teachers

Study Hall’s yoga and sports activities and various programs reflect the school’s broader commitment to excellence in all areas and allow our students to capture the social, emotional, and physical benefits of athletic participation. Sports and yoga teach communication, collaboration, work ethic, risk-taking, and resiliency. We believe these life skills benefit our students on and off the field.

Prerna student receive scholarship for education USA 2016

Preeti Rawat - Alumni, Prerna Girls School

Meet 23 year-old Preeti Rawat who is currently employed by DiDi’s A Unit of Sisters in Solidarity and a Prerna Girls School Alumn.Preeti has been selected in the Community College Initiative Program run by the US government’s bureau of educational and cultural affairs scholarship by the US State Department,in Santa Rosa, California! This is a competitive nation wide scholarship offered to students from across India.The pro- gramme provides opportunities to individuals from developing countries to acquire leadership and professional skills and get proficiency in English language while studying at a community college in the US. After spending an academic year there, Preeti will get a certifi- cate in her chosen field of study.This is a competitive nation wide scholarship offered to students from across India. This is a life transforming opportunity for Preeti.

Talking about the scholar- ship, Preeti said, “Had some- one come and told me that I would be going to the US for a year when I joined Prerna Girls School, I would have never believed him. Sometimes we end up achieving something we thought was impossible. We just have to keep our dreams alive and work hard towards them .”

Preeti hopes she can live up to the faith people have in her. “I hope I perform well at the community college and make my mentor Urvashi Aunty, my teachers, my principal Rakhee Aunty and Veena Aunty at DiDis, and parents proud of me,” she added.


Dainik Jagran, Lucknow Edition 22nd May 2016

Class XII results have been declared for the year 2016. We are glad to announce a school average of 82.0 this year. The school toppers got the overwhelming score of 97.2 We thank all the parents for support and congratulate all our students.

Stream Average
Science – 78.5%
Humanities – 89.4%
Commerce – 81.4%

School Toppers –
1.( Humanities) Shruti Mishra – 97.2
2.(Humanities) Anoushka Chand – 95.2%
3. (Humanities) Yashi Kohli 95.2%
4. (Commerce) GaganDeep Singh Hora 94.6%
5. (Commerce) Prakriti Bakshi 94.4%
6.(Science) Mudita Sanjeev – 94.2%

1. History Shruti Saxena 100
2 Political Science Shruti Mishra 100
3 Geography 1. Nivedita Eisenberg
2. Eshita Ahuja
3. Pallavi Mishra
4.Sneha Pandey
5. Zainab Rehman
4 Economics 1. Shristi Sinha
2. Ranjit Singh
3. Shruti Mishra
5 Psychology NiveditaEisenberg 100
6 Maths Gagan Deep Singh Hora 95
7 Physics Mudita Sanjive 95
8 Chemistry Mudita Sanjive 95
9 Biology Mahima Phagwani 98
10 Physical Edu. 1. Radhika Mishra
2. Rhea Banerjee
11 Painting Chinar Wahid 100
12 Business St. Aditi Bhargava 95
13 Accounts Rohan Goyal 98
14 Informatics Pr. Ojaswi Dheer 99
15 Theatre Studies Shreya Maheswari 93
16 Computer Sc. Saumya Srivastava 96
17 English Malvika bajpai 99
18 Hindi Ishani Singh 95

Congratulations to my children and the Study Hall family

Mrs. Shalini Sinha – Principal, Study Hall School

Mrs.Meenakshi Bahadur -Vice Principal ,Study Hall School

India Daughters Campaign 2016

There are 10 million child brides in the world and one-third of those are in India! Child marriage is one of the greatest threats to a girl’s life and liberty. We should stop euphemising it’s horror and sanctifying it by calling it “marriage”. We should call it ‘girl slavery’ which far more appropriately describes what child marriage does. It enslaves a girl physically, sexually, psychologically and emotionally and does her enormous harm. Her education is truncated, her immature body is weakened and rendered ill, by early and repeated childbirth. Young and afraid, she is unable to offer any resistance to oppressive and abusive in-laws and husband. Even before she embarks upon it, she loses all control over her life!

Even though the Indian legal system outlaws the marriage of a girl before the age of 18, society especially in rural areas, not only sanctions it but actively promotes and encourages it by creating peer pressure to marry off young girls. Many people maintain that they are under tremendous pressure by society to marry their girls as soon after they reach puberty. Marrying girls young is perceived as a way of settling them, keeping them safe and chaste and in control. Social norms in India, do not allow girls to be autonomous equal persons with the right to live life to its full potential. At Study Hall Educational Foundation(SHEF), we have been working for girls’ right to live as equal, autonomous persons worthy of respect for several years. This initiative started at our Prerna Girls Schools through critical feminist pedagogy. Later, in the year 2011 girls education and empowerment initiative, Aarohini was founded to strengthen government schools with gender studies curriculum. Over 1000 schools are touched by the Aarohini Initiative across India.

This year we are campaigning specifically against child marriage in all our partner schools, families, communities and the government. We begin our campaign with this web campaign and invite you to join us in our fight against child marriage in India. We look forward to receiving your articles, messages and entries of any kind which will encourage our students and their parents to say NO TO CHILD MARRIAGE/GIRL SLAVERY!

Thank you!

Dr Urvashi Sahni
President and CEO, Study Hall Educational Foundation


Investiture Ceremony 2016 -2017

The Investiture Ceremony for the 2016 – 2017 cabinet members was held in the school premises on the 23rd of April, 2015. It started with the ceremonial march past. Then the cabinet members were batched by the Principal and Vice Principal of the school. The ceremony was also attended by parents who were very proud to see their wards being batched. Finally it concluded by the oath taken by the cabinet members who pledged to uphold the prestige and dignity of the school.

“To have been in this school for the last 15 years is an amazing feeling. And the best thing about this journey is that it gave me a dream. A dream to lead. A dream to lead the people of my school to a heaven full of opportunities and a scope fro success.And so, as a newfound leader, it is my foremost duty to give each and every one of my fellow Studyhallians a chance to Polish and a platform to showcase their very own talents. Thus, I guarantee it too, to help in making their dreams or at least a part of them true.I vow not to become a statistic but rather an exception to the rule. I vow not to fit into anyone’s box but rather to think outside the box. As a leader I vow progression not digression. As a leader I vow to seek avenues to implement and sustain a better system for all of you.”

Yashasvi Krishna – Vice Head Boy

“It was indeed a matter of great pride and privilege for me to have been elected as the school’s Head Boy. However, this position also brings a plethora of responsibilities and expectations with it which I will try my best to fulfill. I have always believed that all of us are uniquely gifted and have extraordinary potential. As the Head Boy, I will apply this maxim to my work and explore the vast ocean of possibilities that lie before us. I wish to uphold the deeply instilled ethic of the school and further propagate it. Furthermore, I am supremely confident of the caliber of my team and the support of all Studyhallians, with which we can scale great heights.”

Abhilaksh Verma – Head Boy

PEACE IS MY RELIGION : Study Hall School Annual Concert 2015

Lucknow, December 19th & 20th, 2015: Study Hall Senior School hosted its Annual School Concert: Peace is my Religion, on the 19th and 20th of December 2015 at Sant Gadge Maharaja Auditorium, Gomti Nagar Lucknow.

The President and C.E.O of Study Hall Educational Foundation, Dr.Urvashi Sahni introduced the theme of the concert -PEACE IS MY RELIGION to draw attention to the importance of global peace. The theme centered around the ethos of Study Hall school which is inclusive and holistic education, creating proactive – lifelong learners, innovators and thinkers who are sensitive to the needs of others in the society. The entire program aimed to answer the fundamental question of understanding the self-


The concert was an initiative to propagate world peace – Our entire School is concerned and involved in finding relevant solutions to the issues concerning the world around this subject. The students had collectively transformed to find answers to bring about peace through social and political consciousness. The students played a key role in conceptualization, scripting and execution with minimum help and guidance from the staff. The Principal Mrs. Shalini Sinha and Vice Principal Mrs. Meenakshi Bahadur supported and encouraged the students in taking on such leadership responsibilities.

The concert highlighted “PEACE, JUSTICE and STRONG INSTITUTIONS” one of the sustainable development goals identified by the UNITED NATIONS. Study Hall Educational Foundation through its work, vision and dedication has committed to adopt 13 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identified by the UNITED NATIONS at the UN Summit in September, 2015 in New York City, USA. Key areas where Study Hall Educational Foundation is making an impact and adding to Global Development through its work in India and across the globe are –

Quality Education, Gender Equality, Good Health and Well being, Partnerships for the goals, Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, No poverty, Zero Hunger, Reduce inequalities etc.

The burning issues concerning the world that are threatening global peace are – terrorism, violence, hatred and religious fanaticism and through our concert we propagate a value and belief system centered around peace, love , happiness harmony and compassion for all living beings.

The concert began with a grand performance by the school orchestra where in the promising musicians regaled the audience with a musical symphony, recreating the magic of old melodies, blending together different musical instruments to create perfect harmony on stage. music .Songs like ‘Imagine’ and ‘Together we can change the world’ were presented mellifuously by the students of Class XI creating the hope of a better world, without any boundaries or barriers where all strive towards the realization of the dream of an idyllic world with peace and progress as the guiding forces of humanity. The audience crooned along and shared the enthusiasm of the singers.

Involution or self realization by class VIII drew attention to human kind’s dilemma of conflict, within and without, showcasing the lives of three great men VALMIKI, ASHOKA and NELSON MANDELA who were driven by jungle rule, raw ambition and fettered by tyranny respectively and how they changed for the better, after deep reflection.

Class VII depicted on stage TRIAL AND TURMOIL bringing alive the agonizing moments in life experienced due to external forces and exhorted us to bury the past and to pull the threads of our lives again to enjoy our beautiful world with peace as our religion.

The next presentation by Class XI brought alive a poem- ‘MAUN’ on stage using elements of ‘poor theater ‘. Inspired by Emmanuel Ortez’s poem ‘A MOMENT OF SILENCE’ it touched upon several heart rending incidents of violence and mass destruction witnessed all over the world in the recent history of mankind and urged for self introspection, retrospection, reflection and analysis of our mindless actions to break the barriers that divide humanity and celebrate the beautiful colors of life ushering in progress and world peace. The sound of footsteps echoed for long in the auditorium.

The soul stirring rendition of the song SHOPAIN KA NAGMA by FAIZ AHMAD FAIZ struck an immediate chord with the audience and left them beady eyed as it was a passionate outcry about the futility of war and conveyed that in spite of the death and destruction unleashed by violence, hope lives in human hearts.

‘WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS’ was enacted by the students of class IX portraying and stamping issues of prejudice, racial discrimination and slavery and it paid a glowing tribute to the courage, dignity and endurance of the small rural community of the blacks in the 1930s.

The grand finale was presented by the students of class X who effectively brought out the inner turmoil between the heart and the mind through their dance drama -MAN RE TU SUN ZARA with the strong message that to attain peace and harmony a synthesis of the two is essential and man has to re- establish the essential connect with himself. It gave the audience enough food for thought.

The special children from Dosti participated enthusiastically in several programs with a bright spark in their eyes and a smile on their lips. They were well received by the audience with a thunderous applause.

The colourful costumes, the soothing music, apt lighting and stage setting, the well synchronized, power packed performances, all added to the overall magic created on stage and the message of peace and tranquility resonated in the auditorium.

An Award for Dosti 2015

Dosti Section of Study Hall School, was announced as the best school for specially-abled students on World Disability Day 2015 in Lucknow. Sahab Singh Saini, cabinet minister for backward class welfare and handicapped development, felicitated Mrs. Surabhi Kapoor, founder principal of DOSTI for her selfless contribution towards the welfare of children with special needs.

“Dosti school plays and important role in bridging the gap between the regular and specially – abled students as it has strengthened the bonding among them.I feel proud to to be part of this.”
-Mrs.Surabhi Kapoor, Founder Principal DOSTI