Around the Campus July 2016

For Literary Excellence at St.Teresa School, Lucknow

The junior school students participated in various events at St.Teresa’s school and made us proud with their performances.While little Praharsh won the first prize in the “spell bee” competition,  Sanskriti of standard II bagged the first prize in “story telling competition”.Sanchit Gupta of Standard III also took part in “read aloud competition”, and Samra from standard I participated in “jumble word competition” and got the third prize.


Lucknow chapter of IIMUN was organised by Indian International MUN,(Mumbai) from 22nd Of July ’16 to 24th of July’16 at Allen House School Lucknow. A delegation of approximately fifty students participated and bagged several prizes from Study Hall School. Study Hall School was awarded the title of “THE BEST SCHOOL DELEGATION” by Honourable governor Ram Naik. It was not only in debating that Study Hall students showcased their talents but also in management skills as the whole event was managed by logistic members from Study Hall .

  • Best school Delegation trophy-Study Hall
  • Committee Prizes :
  • Siddhant Mishra-1st prize
  • Arushi Dixit-1st prize
  • Tanya Nanda-2nd prize
  • Ashutosh Raj-2nd prize
  • Arjun Chaudhary-2nd prize
  • Aditya Shukla-2nd prize
  • Special Mentions: Yashasvi Krishna
  • Verbal Mentions: Chaitanya Mohan,Vinayak Dixit, Saman Hussain,Apoorva Vardhan
  • Best photographer-Akriti Rastogi


The Study Hall Universe of Care deserves a clap for changing the lives of the students enrolled here, for better. The real life experiences given here, impact the minds of the students and teach them things which can never be forgotten.The youngsters of class 5 were fascinated while studying about the country’s constitution and government.

To understand how India is a true democracy, the class activity included getting the children into groups.Each group gave a class presentation on their “Party”, for which they decided on a name and prepared a symbol placard, a slogan banner and a speech for canvassing.
This was followed by all the children of class 5, casting a secret vote in the Ballot box to elect the Junior School Cabinet.Their participation in the election of the Junior School Student’s Council made them feel very proud and taught them the importance of elections in our country.



The senior girls of Prerna Girls School organised a panel discussion on child marriage on 15th July, 2016 .The panel comprised of Prerna alumni, Prerna boys and Prerna girls, Dr Urvashi Sahni, Mrs. Shalini Chandra, Mrs. Suparna Chatterjee, Madhu [a parent ] along with Dr Smita Singh and Ms Shipra Hitesh [ both visiting faculty, Lucknow University ]were the guest participants .The programme was graced by the presence of Ms.Rebecca Winthrop,Director, Global Education, Brookings Institution, Washington D. C., who was  visiting the Study Hall Foundation . Prerna girls Panchkumari and Kirti Gupta conducted the discussion brilliantly.

The discussion began with the understanding of the term Child marriage and then moved on to it’s reasons and repercussions and finally to finding ways to end this malpractice. There were poignant moments when girls and parents recounted their personal experiences. Many of them broke down ,making everyone in the jam packed hall realise the gravity of the problem .The hall resounded with applause when a father got up to admit that he made a mistake by getting his elder daughter married very early but he would let his younger daughters study as much as they wanted .

A visibly moved Ms. Winthrop talked of her experiences while working in other countries and praised the Prerna girls for their courage and enterprise. The Principal, Prerna Girls School – Mrs. Rakhee Panjwani proposed the vote of thanks.

Top Mentor : NSTSE 2016 (Unified Council)

Congratulations  to Mrs. Anuradha Baijal from Study Hall for being the Top 5 Mentors across Uttar Pradesh for highest Student Participation in NSTSE 2016 (Unified Council). She is a inspiration and regular source of encouragement for all students.

CLASS 10 results 2016 for Prerna Girls School

Class 10 results 2016 for Prerna Girls School (National Institute of Open Schooling) have been declared for the year 2016. We stand together to congratulate our girls for a job well done!

Toppers List
Pooja Kumari 69.2%
Muskaan Verma 68.2%
Jyoti Kumari & Shanti Dubey 67.8%

Aggregate percentage of Prerna Girls 2015 cohort stands  60.16 % 

Subject-wise Top Scores
Subject Marks Student
English 65 Muskaan Verma
Hindi 72 Jyoti Kannaujia,Jyoti Kumari,Shanti Dubey
Home Science 78 Muskaan Verma
Maths 61 Sandhya Yadav -I
science 68 Sandhya Yadav -I
Painting 69 Jyoti Kannaujia
Computer 71 Panch Kumari
Psychology 73 Pooja Kumari
Social Science 71 Pooja Kumari

Congratulations to all the children.
Mrs.Rakhee Panjwani
Prerna Girls School

Prerna student receive scholarship for education USA 2016

Preeti Rawat - Alumni, Prerna Girls School

Meet 23 year-old Preeti Rawat who is currently employed by DiDi’s A Unit of Sisters in Solidarity and a Prerna Girls School Alumn.Preeti has been selected in the Community College Initiative Program run by the US government’s bureau of educational and cultural affairs scholarship by the US State Department,in Santa Rosa, California! This is a competitive nation wide scholarship offered to students from across India.The pro- gramme provides opportunities to individuals from developing countries to acquire leadership and professional skills and get proficiency in English language while studying at a community college in the US. After spending an academic year there, Preeti will get a certifi- cate in her chosen field of study.This is a competitive nation wide scholarship offered to students from across India. This is a life transforming opportunity for Preeti.

Talking about the scholar- ship, Preeti said, “Had some- one come and told me that I would be going to the US for a year when I joined Prerna Girls School, I would have never believed him. Sometimes we end up achieving something we thought was impossible. We just have to keep our dreams alive and work hard towards them .”

Preeti hopes she can live up to the faith people have in her. “I hope I perform well at the community college and make my mentor Urvashi Aunty, my teachers, my principal Rakhee Aunty and Veena Aunty at DiDis, and parents proud of me,” she added.

2016 Intermediate results for Prerna Girls School

Intermediate results for Prerna Girls School (National Institute of Open Schooling) have been declared for the year 2016. 19 Prerna girls appeared in the 2016 examination, we are proud to announce a 100% result with each girl scoring an aggregate above 60. We stand together to congratulate our girls for a job well done !

Toppers List
Priya Yadav 73.3%
Navratri Rajput 71.0%
Rabiya Khan 70.2%
Archana Singh & Lalita Nisha 66.4%


Aggregate percentage of Prerna Girls 2016 cohort stands 61.27%


Subject-wise Top Scores
Subject Marks Student
English 69 Priya Yadav
Hindi 79 Priya Yadav
Home Science 86 Priya Yadav
Painting 78 Janki Sahu & Alpana Yadav
Computer 74 Muskan Mishra
Psychology 67 Priya Yadav

Congratulations to all the students. We wish them all the best for their future endeavours.

Mrs.Rakhee Panjwani, Principal


Around the Campus March 2016


This gallery contains 6 photos.

Arohini Initiative : Critical Dialogue Training 2016 In a one of its kind initiative, the Digital Study Hall under its ‘Aarohini Initiative’ collaborated with the UNICEF to organise two-day residential training sessions with the teachers of Ashram Type Schools (ATS) … Continue reading

Giacomo Pirozzi’s Photography refresher workshop with Prerna girls

22 students from Prerna Girls School were part of a Photography Workshop hosted by UNICEF UP and conducted by an Italian Photographer– Giacomo Pirozzi.

Giacomo Pirozzi is an Italian professional photographer working for UNICEF and other development agencies. Having travelled and photographed in almost 140 countries in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, and Africa, he has published books and has developed a methodology to teach children “Photography” during the process. In the past 10 years he has conducted workshops in over 40 countries including India.

A day long refresher was hosted on school campus for girls from last year’s workshop and girls from the photography club. The refresher showcased girl’s photography work from the last year. Giacomo commended girl’s photography and applauded the school for a very active photography club. 

The girls went out for an hour long shoot later in the day with Giacomo.5 photographs from the shoot were selected and showcased on UNICEF website. The photographs were also showcased at an evening with Giacomo organised by Lucknow Expressions Society in Lucknow.


Around the campus November 2015


This gallery contains 11 photos.

THEATRE CRAFT IN RAJASTHAN Quality education must reach the underserved, especially the underprivileged adolescent girls, and empowerment must find a place in the core curriculum – this is the philosophy of Study Hall Educational Foundation. Since 2011, Digital Study Hall, … Continue reading

Veerangana Rally 2015

Led by the Veeranganas of Prerna Girls School, teachers and students of the Study Hall School, Vidyasthali Kanar High School, Study Hall Centre for Learning, Digital Study Hall and Gyansetu Non Formal Education Centres came together for an awareness campaign against street violence and to promote girls’ education.They were joined by teams from all the eight Kasturba Gandhi Vidyalayas of Lucknow district. They assembled in Study Hall School on Sunday, November 9th, 2015  and then they were divided into three groups, each more than 200 strong. Raising slogans, carrying banners and placards and singing songs with gusto, they marched in the lanes and by lanes of Ujariyaon, Digdiga and Gwari villages. People climbed on rooftops and thronged the open spaces to see the street plays that were repeated many times.The Veers, the boys from Prerna boys felt proud to carry the message along with the Veeranganas. More than 2000 persons signed the pledge to stop and resist street violence. The campaign touched almost 40,000 people with the message STOP AND RESIST STREET AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.