PANEL DISCUSSION – Class 1, 2 and 3

7th SEPTEMBER  2020

Children of class 1, 2 and 3 of Study Hall School raised the bar of critical thinking this year by engaging in a virtual panel discussion on Discrimination, Gender and the current Pandemic. The panel discussion saw a very good turnout from junior school parents as well as students. The panelists from all the three grades were very eager and enthusiastic to participate in the discussion actively. The discussion started with the Head Mistress Mrs. Bani Malhotra welcoming Dr. Urvashi Sahni, the founder of the school and the parents, assuring them that they would find the discussion really interesting.

Mrs. Gunjan Singh, who was moderating the session along with Mrs. Shalini Sangal and Mrs. Neelam Singh, initiated the panel discussion by requesting the panelists to introduce themselves one by one before diving into the discussion. Dr. Sahni and the parents were delighted and also wonderstruck seeing the inquisitive and bright minds of the students who shared their points of views confidently. The panel discussion saw varied opinions being shared by the panelists with agreements as well as respectful disagreements during the course of it. Dr. Urvashi Sahni also engaged with the student panelists by asking them extremely relevant questions at various points during the discussion. The views of the children were thought provoking and sensitive towards the under-privileged. It was laudable to see how the teachers had guided the students to become introspective and aware individuals who were willing to take the mantle of fighting against discrimination prevalent in our society. It was good to see how comfortable and confident the children were in using all the technology tools in this virtual panel discussion. The parents were full of praise for the school authorities for organizing and conducting this edifying panel discussion. The program was closed with a Vote of thanks delivered by Mrs. Meenakshi Bahadur, the Principal of Study Hall School.