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Community Mobilization Through Advocacy

While the program began with engaging children in critical dialogue to teach them to think critically and question oppressive social norms, it quickly became clear that empowering them in isolation was insufficient. Girls were still not being granted equal status in their homes and communities; rather, they were treated as instruments for the ends of others, valued primarily for their domestic, reproductive, and sexual labor, and expected to serve the family, always prioritizing others’ interests above their own. Because of the deeply entrenched, structural nature of gender oppression, only minimal change is possible as long as those structures remain in place, which led to parent and community engagement quickly becoming an integral part of the program.

Because parents and families are the most direct point of community contact for schools, community mobilization efforts are conducted primarily through parent engagement. Much like with students, teachers involve the parent community in discussions, critical dialogues, role-play, and performance drama to help them examine discriminatory social norms and structures. Drama in particular, has proven to be a potent and powerful medium for change, and on many occasions. In parent-teacher meetings, children will occasionally perform dramas for their parents on the same issues that they have discussed in school as a way to start the conversation. As a result of these activities, parents become more empathetic to the cause and more supportive of their children’s (especially daughters’) right to a fully human life of their own choosing.

To engage the wider community, student groups and campaigns are commonly used. The groups may hold critical dialogues with community members, work to spread awareness about girls’ and women’s legal protections and rights, as well as hold small rallies in their communities. All schools in the Aarohini network also participate in SHEF’s annual India’s Daughters Campaign (IDC), which focuses on promoting girls’ education, fighting against child marriage, and addressing the many ways gender inequality manifests itself. As part of IDC, schools organize street plays, protest marches, signature campaigns, and enrollment drives for out-of-school children, especially girls. Children are also encouraged to write letters to their state’s Chief Minister and local officials demanding change.

In addition to being an empowering experience for students, community engagement has prompted several families to shift their gendered perceptions of their daughters’ lives, raise their aspirations for their daughters’ futures, and be more supportive of their daughters. With the support of their teachers and the Aarohini team, many girls have since fought back and resisted the forces that prevented them from living a life of equality and dignity. With the support of their school and teachers, they have resisted child marriage, fought discrimination at home, and finished higher secondary education.

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